When xk3y was first launched we produced an OEM version for one of our Chinese partners. This version was locked down to a few Asian language to promote sales in Asia and discourage resellers to export the OEM version to other regions. Sadly, some unscrupulous resellers still sold the OEM version to other regions, leaving end users with xk3y devices that would only display Asian languages on the remote.

We have always stressed that this is an OEM version and not something we support, as we do not offer it for sale. When these issues first surfaced, we discontinued the OEM deal and has since only supplied the standard version. However, in the interest of consumers who have received the OEM version we have decided to remove all language restrictions in the firmware, starting with version 1.12.

- Fixed "Network Fail" Message
- Latest Mr_Waffles Web app
- Asian Language lock removed
- Improved French language strings
- Added more languages (TUR Turkish)
Official Site: http://xk3y.com