New report claims that all three next gen systems will take stage at LA extravaganza

Sony is planning to rock the industry by announcing PlayStation 4 plans in just a matter of months, a new report has revealed.
In a highly unexpected move, Sony executives will head to Los Angeles in June to discuss their next home console at E3, within days of Microsoft doing the same.

This week’s MCV magazine has splashed on its front page “Biggest E3 ever will reveal new consoles”, claiming that Microsoft too will unveil its next generation system at the industry event.
In October last year, Develop revealed that several Sony studios had begun prototyping early PlayStation 4 projects. One month later, PlayStation Europe boss Jim Ryanadmitted it would be “undesirable” for the PlayStation 4 to launch later than its rivals.
MCV now claims that Sony has sent the message to third-parties that it will not be left behind this time.