Last week a Korean gaming site carried pictures from a presentation on Xbox 360 peripherals at Microsoft's X06 Korea event. The snapshots included art of the Xbox Live Vision camera, a 256MB memory card, the Xbox 360 wireless gaming receiver that lets players use the system peripherals on a PC without cords, and an Xbox 360 hard drive with "100GB" written across the top.

The news was picked up and reported around the Web, and Microsoft today finally addressed the issue directly. A representative for the company passed on the following statement:

"The reference to a 100GB hard drive in a recent presentation in Korea has been misleading, and in fact we have no plans to bring a 100GB hard drive to the market. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused."

The representative could not explain exactly how the reference was misleading. When asked if the company had plans for a larger Xbox 360 hard drive, he did say it was "always a possibility."

"The device is modular, and there's the possibility that different hard drives will be available in the future," the representative said. "To reiterate, we have no plans to announce such an accessory in the near future."