Zoo Digital tells CVG it's got four Wii games up its sleeve for release next year

The list includes Toot & Puddle, Sea Monsters, Balls of Fury and what would appear to be a dual-game package that includes Chicken Shoot and Egg Catcher.

A Zoo Digital spokesperson (or zoo keeper) was unable to disclose any further details on any of the games to us.

Here's Zoo Digital's full release schedule for 2007:

Actua Pool - DS - 26 Jan 07

Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing - PSP - 02 Feb 07

Princess Natasha 'Student-Secret Agent-Princess' - DS - 02 Feb 07

Uno/Skipbo/Uno Freefall Compilation - DS - 02 Feb 07

March of the Penguins - GBA/DS - 02 Feb 07

Another World - GBA - 09 Feb 07

Chicken Shoot + Egg Catcher - DS/Wii - 04 May 07

Hot Wheels All Out - GBA - Q1 07

Harlem Globetrotters World Tour - DS - Q1 07

Freedom Wings - DS - Q1 07

Wiffle Ball Advance - DS - Q1 07

Uno 52 - DS/GBA - Q1 07

Uno Freefall - GBA - Q1 07

Frisbee Freestyle/Frisbee Golf - DS - Q2 07

B-17 Fortress in the Sky - DS - Q2 07

Toot & Puddle (Call of the North) - GBA/DS/Wii - Q3 07

Sea Monsters (Nat Geo) - DS/PS2/Wii - Q4 07

Balls of Fury - DS/Wii - TBC

Barbie Compilation - GBA - TBC

Lionel Trains "On Track" - DS - TBC

We can't wait to get our hands on Ball Of Fury.