Electronic Arts has released a number of weapons and items to purchase on Xbox Live - including in-game currency.

Costing between 40 and 150 Microsoft points for in-game money (about 1.30 GBP), 100 points (0.85 GBP) each for a selection of level 4 weapons or 800 points (6.80 BGP) for "The Don Collection", which offers five weapons, a bag full of in-game cash and number of other items otherwise available for purchase separately.

However, there is a "MobFace Apparel Bundle" available as a free download, which for a limited time offers you a leather jacket, two hats and two sets of glasses.

The arrival of the downloads will no-doubt upset many gamers, who in the past have complained that we're being made to hand over cash for, what in past would have been available via simple codes or cheats.