Silver medal goes to Amazon with 8.4.
Customer experience analyst ForeSee examined consumer attitudes to m-commerce on apps and websites, and saw Apple and Amazon bag the top spots.
Dell came in third with 7.8 points, Netflix and eBay were joined in fourth position on 7.7 points, while the top five with completed with BestBuy and Staples on 7.6 points.
Larry Freed, president and CEO of ForeSee, said: "As the adoption of smartphones increases, more consumers are using them to access retailer websites. More and more, there is expectation that companies will address the mobile environment in ways that are effective and user-friendly. Mobile commerce is still relatively new and there is a lot of room for innovation and improvement.
"The smartphone is a powerful shopping tool and a double-edged sword. Consumers will use it to research products and check a retailer's own site while they're in the store, but they'll also use it to compare prices and check out the competition.
"The gap between mobile experience and web experience is an opportunity for retailers as much as it is a liability. We know consumer expectations will only continue to grow, and right now Amazon and Apple are setting a very high bar."