Almost a quarter of workers have the Apple tablet provided by their company.
Tech researcher IDG Connect International says while work-based iPad use is popular, 54 per cent always use their device at home.
However, for the Middle East and Africa, 70 per cent use the devices at work and, which falls to less than half for home-based activity.
47 per cent of workers in Africa have received an iPad from their employer, while that number falls to 40 per cent across Europe.
Kathryn Cave, editor at IDG Connect International, said: "This research shows the tablet is fast becoming a true work device, provided by employers and used in the office for business communication. It also highlights some startling regional variations, emphasising the need for marketers to adapt content to local markets as well as new mediums."
Further figures from IDG demonstrate that 97 per cent of professionals use the iPad for reading, 72 per cent of iPad owners carry their laptop less and 70 per cent now buy less books and newspapers, preferring to opt for electronic options.