hello everybody out there, this is my first post here! i am trying to run some homebrew on my psp, and i've got to say: wow, that rocks. and i understand now why sony wants to get rid of the possibility of running homebrew. because if there is so much interesting homebrew no one needs to buy the lame original games on umd!

but i've two particular problems, and perhaps someone can help me.
first of all, i have a psp with 2.0 firmware, after i have stupidly done the upgrade after buying it the september when it came out in germany. if i only had known about homebrew software at that first day of ownership....
i use fanjita's eboot-loader v0.9 or v0.99 alternatively
but when i try to run AOTM0.4 and PSPViceV1.0(important for me as being a "dinosaur" out of c64-times), they both dont work. PSPViceV0.4beta works on both loaders. does anyone have suggestions what to do? perhaps some tricky adjusts in the cfg-file? or downgrading? how dangerous would this be for my psp?

anyway, i would be glad if someone could help me!