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Thread: Critics still coming to terms with Wii's "next-gen-ness"

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Critics still coming to terms with Wii's "next-gen-ness"

    Wii. Like it or not, the name and the console it represents arguably receive more favorable buzz than any other current game platform. Is it because of a departure from the traditional definition of next-generation gaming, the industry's fascination with its prospects, or that motion-controls with inferior graphics are in-fact a blast to play on a large scale? Hopefully by late November (post launch), we'll be closer to a definitive answer, but some are still obviously and understandably coming to terms with how Nintendo defines next-generation gaming:

    Ars Technica on the concept of next generation: "That 'next-gen hardware experience' that I've come to expect as a birthright of console gaming will be missing from the Wii. Things that were graphically and computationally unthinkable in the previous generation will not suddenly become possible with the Wii ... Zelda: Twilight Princess is a launch title for the 'next-gen' Nintendo console. This is a GameCube game, people!"
    Factor 5, developer of the excellent GameCube launch title Rogue Squadron II, is "extremely disappointed" with Wii calling the console a "GameCube 1.5" while ragging on the system's inferior graphics and audio capabilities.

    While I'm sure everyone got the 2005 E3 memo stating that Nintendo wouldn't embrace power advancements with Wii, I thought "next-gen" was in the eye of the beholder? The two above critics appreciated Nintendo's previous systems (by their own admittance in one way or another), so maybe they just feel slighted by not getting a GameCube 2. Any readers out there feel the same this close to Wii's launch? The line has been drawn.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    power isnt everything. i hate to bring up the ds- psp comparison but i mean come on if there's one thing Nintendo has showed yus its that graphics apparently dont matter th the mass public. people want good gameplay with good enough graphics not vice versa. too an extent i agree.

  3. #3
    Wii User alienanthropologist's Avatar
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    Default Viva el Gamecube 1.5!

    I am so so bored of this topic. So the Wii isn't half as powerful as its competitors. Thank you for reminding me of that fact for the 10002nd time. Now get over it!

    I think the Xbox360 and PS3's graphics are absolutely awesome. I admire what those machines can do. Despite my admiration for them, however, I am not intending to buy them. Firstly because I see these consoles as being more appealing to core-gamers and I am not. Secondly because they're far too expensive.

    Wii, on the other hand, has revived my interest in video games for the first time since SNES. I mean, I did enjoy some N62 and PS2 games but I never got so excited that I got the goosebumps. Now, Wii does give me the goosebumps. In fact, I've somehow become completely obssessed with it. The graphics won't be half as good as the PS3's, but I can picture myself having SO much fun with that machine! And I can imagine my friends really enjoying it, and my girlfriend and my mum and my grandparents. In fact, I reckon this Christmas we'll have a great family tiime playing Wii sports and Wii play!

    I think I can understand how people feel disappointed that Wii isn't more powerful. But the people that can't see beyond the fact of Wii's inferiority to PS3 and 360 in terms of raw power are missing the point.
    Before I knew about Wii (before this year's E3) I never thought that Nintendo would have made the gamble of taking such a controversial and unprecedented direction. I feel so grateful they have.

    Also, I respect the fact that Nintendo is managing to challenge two of the most powerful corporations in the world. Sony and Microsoft can always release more platforms with more power by pumping money and money and more money from their unlimited hoards and sending their bullish lawyers to bust their competition.

    But a Kyoto-based videogame business is challeging world's most powerful technological giants and possibly redefining the videogaming industry again by accounts of their inventiveness and creativity. Now that's something.

    So Wii isn't as powerful as PS3 and 360. Old story.
    Will that stop me from getting a Wii? Certainly not. In fact, Wii is the only reason I am interested in video games again.
    Bring on Revolution!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    couldn't have been more well put. exactly the way i feel. the Wii has gotten me interested in console gaming again for the first time since perfect dark on the n64.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default nintendo Translated = redesign-release as new money money money$

    yeah i am also very dissapointed in the Wii. Not for the fact of lower end graphics that doesnt matter to me i have had the 360 for 1 month and the graphics only wowed me fr the first couple of days graphics dont mean anything. What i am dissapointed in is that the fact that nintendo is ripping the consumer off repeating its own history in a very sinister matter. remember the old 8 bit famicom a big old vcr looking box, It was re-released by nintendo with a smaller sleaker sexier looking console. They did the same thing with gameboy to gameboy pocket. Same for gameboy advanced and even now the DS with the DS LITE. And lets not forget the Great super nintendo.... they redisigned and re released that one too... the only one that never had to be redesigned was the N64 which in my opinion was one of the best console designs ever but lets not forget the RAM pack.... now here is where they have crossed the line. They repackage the GAMECUBE and try to pass it off as a 100% new console when in reality the wii is just like a N64 with a RAM pack when compared to the gamecube. oh and i didnt forget about the controller, lets not forget that the controller is dependent upon EXTERNAL sensors. smell something fishy?? gamecube with a ramm pack and dare i say it WAVEBIRD 2.0???? sell it as a new console and claim a REVOLUTION. We are on to your tricks nintendo you repeat yourself all the time. why couldnt they just release the controller for the gamecube why should i have to buy another gamecube to use it??? shame shame shame nintento.

  6. #6
    XBOX 360 User Kramer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by knman00
    . why couldnt they just release the controller for the gamecube why should i have to buy another gamecube to use it??? shame shame shame nintento.
    If they did that then it's not garuanteed everyone will get one of the remotes and developers wont make many games that would make use of it. Kinda like eyetoy on PS2 that didnt do that well there was only a few games for it.


  7. #7
    PSP User Makaveli777's Avatar
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    Naw the graphics dont matter. I dont know what to think about the Wii really though. Sometimes I think it will be real fun, to be able to sword fight and other things. Other times I think it will be gimmicky on most games but the first paty ones. Cuz we all know how nintendo is with 3rd party games. I never worry about the graphics though cuz that shouldn't matter anyway. Just as long as its fun.

  8. #8
    Wii User gotmilk0112's Avatar
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    FOR THE 1202983210967476104761049376-413276-013248761840762th time, GRAPHICS AND POWER DONT MAKE A FRIGGIN GAME!!!!!

    i mean, look at legend of zelda on NES the NES!! it was a great game but it didnt have ultra-mega-cel-shaded-3D-graphics and ultra-clear sound!

    god i hate it how people nowadays think graphics make a game.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Regular
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    Considering I still have more fun playing my Turbo Duo, Genesis, NES, and SNES than I do a 360 or PS2 I think it's safe to say the Wii will do just fine. Honestly the ps3 and 360 don't seem next gen to me. Yeah it looks nice, but not next gen nice honestly. Also just because it's pretty doesn't mean it's fun to play. Graphics can only take a game so far. If i wanna see something photo real I'll look out a window.

  10. #10



    why are you talking about nintendo remaking
    their consoles like with the DS or gameboy
    when Sony does the same?
    with the PsOne and the PsTwo
    Even Apple with Their PC's and Ipods

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