It took a while to translate and localize, but Final Fantasy XII is finally out in a non-Japanese form. Yeah, sure, some of you have been bragging about your ultra-super-advanced copy you've been playing for months, or the one you got lucky and picked up from CompUSA last weekend, but for the rest of us -- we're just playing it now.

Is it the ultimate Final Fantasy experience? Apparently it's close enough, and the controversial battle system will grow on gamers.

Gamespot (90/100) Purists be damned: "While Final Fantasy XII takes some liberties with the series' conventions, it sticks closely to most of the good ones, delivering another memorable and highly recommended experience in the process."
IGN (95/100) Nothing but praise: "When does a game with momentous hype and anticipation actually live up to media, consumer, and competitor expectations? ... 'When you're playing Final Fantasy XII.'"

Game Informer (93/100) The plot is the thing: "Led by a politically charged story that instantly seizes your imagination with riveting events and an extraordinary cast of characters, Final Fantasy XII rides onto the PlayStation 2 with its sword held high, delivering one of the year's most exhilarating adventures."