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Thread: [WIP] YAPSxP: Yet Another PSX Emulator for PSP

  1. #21
    DCEmu Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lodis View Post
    Imagine if all of the individual devs of these Psx emulator WIP actually worked together.
    i smell a party

  2. #22
    PSP User Emeriastone's Avatar
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    I'll be interested to see what comes of this.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Legend
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    Great news. I think its fair to say that a PS1 Emulation is the HOLY GRAIL of homebrew. I'm glad that there are so many W.I.P. projects. The homebrew scene is bound to give SONY a run for its money someday when it comes to PS1 Emulation.

    An Emulator written from scratch would be fantastic.

  4. #24


    less blabla, more product!
    learn from google!

  5. #25
    DCEmu Pro emuking's Avatar
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    great news i cant wait till one of the ps1 emus get released

  6. #26
    PSP Coder MikeDX's Avatar
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    I think I'm going to wait for the official sony psp emulator, that'll do me
    Find yourself some ebay spelling mistake bargains!
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    Do you have a bricked psp?

  7. #27
    PSP User Makaveli777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lodis View Post
    Imagine if all of the individual devs of these Psx emulator WIP actually worked together.
    I was thinking the same thing. Instead of trying to achieve indivdual feats they should come togther and make the greatest ps1 emulator for psp ever. I should be called ultimate psx1p or somethin lol.

    Oh yeah that translation was pretty bad too so I dont quite get whats so special about this emulator.

  8. #28


    A clear non-google translation is needed... Some things make as much sense as a crackhead talking...

  9. #29
    DCEmu Coder
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    Yeah, the translations are pretty messed up, but all I can say is..

    It's ABOUT TIME.

    Tired of seeing all these PCSX derived emulators everywhere. They're even more annoying than the VBA ports (no offense meant to anyone :P)..

    Nice to see someone actually has the guts to start a PS1 emulator for himself. However, doing one directly for PSP from the start is perhaps suicidal. Still...

    Anyway, no one's going to collaborate here, because PS1P and PSXP's work is largely redundant, I'd say PSXP hasn't done anything interesting over PS1P. And they're both working off of PCSX, something that this emulator obviously doesn't want to be involved with.

    I'm sure if hlide needs help he'll ask the right people though (I've answered a small question of his already)

  10. #30
    DCEmu Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exophase View Post
    Yeah, the translations are pretty messed up, but all I can say is..

    It's ABOUT TIME.

    Tired of seeing all these PCSX derived emulators everywhere. They're even more annoying than the VBA ports (no offense meant to anyone :P)..

    Nice to see someone actually has the guts to start a PS1 emulator for himself. However, doing one directly for PSP from the start is perhaps suicidal. Still...

    Anyway, no one's going to collaborate here, because PS1P and PSXP's work is largely redundant, I'd say PSXP hasn't done anything interesting over PS1P. And they're both working off of PCSX, something that this emulator obviously doesn't want to be involved with.

    I'm sure if hlide needs help he'll ask the right people though (I've answered a small question of his already)
    thx Exopase

    let me give you a better translation :

    Before talking about this new project, I must explain at least how this project started and why it does. Hlide is a programer who proposes himself to code a dynarec for Psx-P.

    His ideas and theories spoken to make this dynarec convinced us he has abilities. So we arrange a meeting between Hlide and Yoshihiro. If the good will seemed to be both sides, Yoshihiro did never give his source to Hlide for some reasons only Yoshihiro knows and can explain on our chat if he wished. But it is his choice and we must respect his choice.

    Whatever, Hlide always did express his wish to develop another project more efficient for, according to him, PCsx isn't adapted for a porting on PSP and will never give a real satisfaction. However, he did sincerely wish to help to create a dynarec for PSX-P, being willingly to handle two projects without any competition.

    This project is still on the draft and it lacks to Hlide some pieces of technical informations but he managed to have some other developers got interested on the project and the feasibility of this project seems more evident.

    Notice that PSPGen will be the offical website for YAPSxP and we will open a dedicated (?) website.

    I let Hlide to announce this project in our Forum


    Indeed, weary of waiting for the hypothetical source code that Yoshihiro promised me so that I may integerate amy dynarec, I decided to go alone in this adventure.

    How this adventure starts ?

    The starting point was to propose a dynarec which could execute at least as twice as PSX could do, hoping the leaving ressource would be enough for emulation : to say short, to be able to emulate PSX fullspeed. A challenge, indeed.

    Why I don't take PCSX as a starting project ?

    It's simple, this source code isn't absolutely adapted for PSP. It isn't particulary optimised because it is written for PCs sur-vitaminized in gigaherts that can handle reals in double precision. If you try to generate this code, you get a bloated code for the least inefficient for PSP because PSP doesn't handle reals in double precision natively - often used in GTE for instance : PSP will go slower in the 3D action games which use a lot of GTE. To say short, it is what you get with PSX-P.

    What does YAPSxP contain actually ?

    - dynarec CORE0 (R3000AF) that will be derived into CORE1 then CORE2, once GTE emulation (wip) and COP0 emulation are wholy implemented.

    What will YAPSxP contain ?

    - Standard pad (already written but not tested)
    - Graphics (GPU, well I need to evaluate the best way to use GU)
    - Video (MDEC, vive le VFPU !)
    - Image ISO, etc. (CDR, not the part I'm really intrested however...)

    What won't YAPSxP contain, at least for the first release ?

    - savestates
    - backups
    - sound (I don't deseperate to do it one day)
    - shortly, the rest

    Voilà, source won't be GPL as I wanted at the begining. I have a job so you mustn't expect to watch it running for Christmas : don't even try to asm me when the first release will be. I don't believe that PCSX was done in one month. It isn't one month along that I started this project, but dynarec is in good position ans should bring some promises.

    NOTE: if some tantented developpers amoungst you would like to contribute on parts I don't think to implement for the first time, I may try to contact me.

    - CORE0 is an interpreter-like dynarec, essentially for need of Proof Of Concept and debugging.

    - CORE1 is CORE0 executing the biggest sequence of generated instructions so that it may run faster than the real PSX and allows some CPU ressource for the rest to emulate. Already tested with success on a preversion.

    - CORE2, dynarec with additional optimisations that allow emulator to be more "intelligent".


    Okay, my translation must suck a lot but it is very late now, so be indulgent.

    Good night !

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