Following the barrage of Halo 3 info that has exploded onto the net over the last week, the latest issue of EGM offers even more details on the seminal third shooter, including the first single-player details since this year's E3 in May.

Apparently a 20-second single-player preview was shown to the mag, with Master Chief "tearing" around a huge industrial compound with gunfire coming from all kinds of covenant craft, including a hulking Wraith and "what looks to be a new Brute Ghost".

Predictably that's all EGM managed to get out of Bungie on solo affairs, but there's also plenty of new multiplayer info in the mag, including "military" ranks separate from matchmaking, new voting options and further elaboration on the saveable movies, which can apparently be re-viewed in either first or third-person or in a "fly-it-yourself bird's eye view".

Game settings such as speed can now be assigned for individual players, with gravity and weapons players can pick up available for tweaking. This time around you can even give different handicaps to the winning or losing teams, such as making them more visible by setting them on fire (!).

Furthermore the purple spray-gun of death, the Needler is no-longer dual-wieldable, although Bungie apparently says that the new version of the weapon will be stronger, more balanced and "useable".

That's it for now, but we will of course be straight on the case when more info trickles from whatever magazine squeals next.