The eagerly anticipated Nintendo Wii will be launched on 19 November in the US and we want you to be part of the BBC News website's launch coverage.
With its unorthodox controller and innovative launch titles the console promises entertainment for gamers and non-gamers alike.

It is also cheaper than both Microsoft's Xbox 360 and the long awaited Sony PlayStation 3.

But the Nintendo system does not pack the same raw processing power as either of these machines, nor does it offer high definition graphics.

So, is the Wii the console underdog? Is the controller just a novelty? Will the white box pack enough fun to win the hearts, minds and wallets of gamers?

We are looking for US gamers and non-gamers who will have a Wii on launch day to help us to answer these questions.

We are particularly interested in hearing from families who have perhaps never owned a console but have been tempted to splash out on a Wii.

As part of our launch coverage, we are asking readers to write a series of short pieces for the site about:

why you decided to buy a Nintendo Wii
how you feel as the launch-hour nears
and, once you've finally got hold of your console, whether playing it lives up to your expectations.
If you fit the criteria and want to be part of our coverage, send 150 words on why gaming is so important to you, and why you are excited about the Nintendo Wii launch.

Details to the link above