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Thread: Would Sony eliminate PSP features?

  1. #31
    DCEmu Old Pro mr_nick666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArugulaZ View Post
    Here's how I answered the survey.

    /\ /\ THATS FUNNY! /\ /\

    Id happily lose RSS, Internet Browsing and music myself but Im not upgrading my 1.5 so it doesnt really matter! (Unless the firmware is Devhooked... but then it doesnt matter either!? )

  2. #32
    DCEmu Art Pro
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    RSS and looacction free are non used.

    Guess the psone emu etc is taking up a bit to much memory :S

    How do you get to test for $ony?
    i wana do it.

  3. #33
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    Why does Sony have to opt for in-flash features? Why not store features on the memory stick, allowing users to simply Install features they want and maybe allow for a Shortcut menu on the XMB, allowing users to tailor their XMB to their needs coupled with downloaded features.

    Flash should have been reserved for necessary PSP files ONLY. Put in the drivers to run everything in there, but don't store the actual program that does it.

    Location free, browser, RSS, flash player are all aspects of the PSP that can be stored to the memstick and still function normally. If Sony made the updates install those to the memstick while retaining the icons (just now linked to folders on memstick and not flash).

  4. #34
    DCEmu Rookie Dbgtgoten's Avatar
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    Just get rid of all that security crap i am sure that takes up (28/32 MB's) -Internet browser would be nice on the memory card (no godforsaken no memory messages) Rss and Location free can go away i dun use them at all...bottem line just run things from the memory stick sony and of course they won't cause then they would be the "hackers" themselves and could prevent themselves lol...

  5. #35
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    What Sony should do is remove ALL the security patches it introduced in the first place and not put them in future firmware releases so that we can have the latest version and still us all run homebrew on the PSP. It's the greast move they could make (but that's only IF they would do it though) and it could add a boost to sales as well maybe.

  6. #36
    King of killed the_eternal_dark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YKB View Post
    What Sony should do is remove ALL the security patches it introduced in the first place and not put them in future firmware releases so that we can have the latest version and still us all run homebrew on the PSP. It's the greast move they could make (but that's only IF they would do it though) and it could add a boost to sales as well maybe.
    The reason for the security updates is to thwart piracy, its nothing to do with other homebrew. The security updates try to close up exploits found in the firmware, closing off the possibility of ISO loaders and rippers. Everyone, quit saying "Sony needs to just let homebrew run", they are watching their asses and not as evil as one would think with these updates. If it wasn't for the loaders/UMD emulators, Sony may not have to worry about updates as often. Stupid pirates...

  7. #37
    PSP User JD/'s Avatar
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    If they start running out of space I think they will take a devhook approach and block the firmware files from being altered or builld a new console option 1 sounds more feasible.

  8. #38
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    Security patches are things Sony would NEVER get rid of. Thinking of such is just wishful thinking and damn near counter productive.

    Think about it, Sony put up the survey and wouldn't have made such a question if they weren't ready to think of things they can remove. Best way to find out what features would piss off the majority after being removed is a survey.

    So this indicates to me that this survey may serve either one of these purposes:

    1)See who the PSP appeals to. Hardcore gamers may not want media playback or hardcore net junkies may not want games.


    2)They are really thinking about removing a feature and want to see what they can remove without pissing off a majority of consumers.

    Security features, as I said, will never be removed. They aren't even on the survey so why bother even mentioning them (neither is Location Free, but Sony would be more willing to give that up than Security).

    Point is, we may be at the dawn were we can decide what feature/features we want removed. I'd rather have PSOne than RSS any day...

  9. #39
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    If the security patches can't be ditched, then drop UMD videos instead. I never get buy them becuase it's not worth the money when you can get a film on DVD and play them back in your computer or other player. There isn't one for UMDs other the PSP itself and I think I once heard that Sony once lost £320million for poor UMD video sales on about a year.

    Another case is UMD audio. Why have that when you can just buy CDs and play them back on a CD player or a computer? I haven't seen any UMD audio disks on sale around where I live and if they were, I doubt many people would get them - if at all.

    So then, scrap UMD videos and UMD audio and them have more space to fit on the PSPs 32MB NAND flash.

  10. #40
    DCEmu Pro jonezybaby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F9zDark View Post
    Well seeing that I still use 1.5 with devhooked 2.71 this really doesn't apply all that much to me. But if I had an up-to-date version of the PSP (may get another one for christmas) I'd say:

    -Drop RSS, who the hell cares about that $#@!? I don't. Not to mention I enjoy the comments and discussions that go with news posts on my favorite sites, which RSS doesn't deliver, nor does it allow me to communicate back.

    -Location Free. We won't need this support when PS3 comes out...

    Nothing else I can think of... I would never want them to take away media support, regardless of how often I may use it. Because I know damn well once .--- file playback is removed is when I will need it the most.

    If Sony was smart they'd give the browser more balls and move it to the Memstick. The PSP is capable of playing demos, so why not launch the browser from the games menu like a 'demo'?

    This would save space in flash and allow users to tailor their PSP to their needs (don't want the browser/don't need the browser/cautious parents about kids with PornSP? simply don't install it)


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