We recently welcomed Elite co-creator David Braben into the fastness of CVG towers for a natter and you may have enjoyed (or not) his thoughts on Sony and the launch of the PS3 yesterday.

During the course of a fascinating chat - which will be published in full on CVG soon - we felt compelled to ask the driving force behind The Outsider, whether given the success of Xbox Live Arcade, was he ever tempted to plunder his own back catalogue and bring back some classics like Virus and Zarch from the Frontier archives?

Mr Braben told us, "Well maybe, it's something we've thought about and maybe we could do. I think the rights to those have all come back, because they were licenses."

Unfortunately we couldn't get him to commit any further than that, but it's clearly something Braben's contemplating and an intriguing prospect, especially for gaming veterans like ourselves who fondly remember seeing Zarch running on an Archimedes for the first time or the heady and innovative gameplay of Virus and its sequel V2000.

Heck, we even remember with affection Darxide and the much underrated Infestation. Possible candidates for the XBLA treatment?

Of course, the one game missing from that list is the seminal classic Elite, but don't worry, we'll have some hot news on that for you tomorrow as Braben has dropped some crucial pointers on the future of the series exclusively to CVG. Keep 'em peeled, we'll be bringing you hot news on that - Thursday am.

Meanwhile, if you too would like to see some Frontier classics on XBLA - why not let us know in the comments field below. The campaign begins here!