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Thread: Broken/Malfunctioning Analog Stick Problems? Post Here for HELP!

  1. #101
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Analog control problems with PSP

    Quote Originally Posted by kando View Post
    Hey all,

    i've fixed so many analog stick problems myself, and now that i even walked someone through fixing their own, i'll provide official help for anyone who needs it

    if ur analog stick is offset...if it is turning, if it is cracking or getting stuck, if its moving in one direction by itself...

    POST HERE and i'll help u through it!

    keep in mind it does require opening your psp.

    Cheers! :thumbup:
    Hey, I'm having problems with the analog control stick spinning and getting stuck in numerous positions, but now it is so stuck that I can't even get it to push down. Thank you so much for any time you can spare for help.

  2. #102
    DCEmu Newbie
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    [QUOTE=kando;276970]i tried the mod, and it happened to me, and i was able to fix it the same way i helped napalm.

    unscrew the psp unit, take the faceplate off...

    unscrew the analog stick from the front screen...

    take out the little rubber piece that went between the analog stick and the main circuit board on the psp...and put it back in.

    then, place the faceplate back on the psp w/ the analog stick where its supposed to be, except NOT SCREWED IN. leave it loose.

    using pressure only (no screws), pop in a battery and turn on the psp.

    go into the internet browser to test the analog stick.

    using pressure, either applying or releasing, nudge the analog stick part around by using the faceplate of the psp...just feel around and try to move it ever so slightly.

    once u find a spot where the stick no longer wanders on its own, keep strong pressure on the psp while u screw it all back together...the pressure of the screws will keep it in place.


    now if the analog stick is turning, getting stuck or "cracking" thats another fix. post if anyone has that problem [QUOTE=kando;276970]

    should I screw the psp analog stick to the faceplate or leave it loose and only screw the faceplate? thx in advance

  3. #103
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Do you have a thread or instruction on how to make this repair. It is the rubber contact strip directly below the analogue stick. Appears to have gone bad on my unit.... Any pictures on how to change it. Any help is appreciated.

  4. #104
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I did what kando said. It worked, but after a heavy session of MGSPO+ multiplayer( say half an hr or 1 hr) it starts acting weired again. Sensitivity decreases to the right and bottom to about 20% and sometimes doesn't even move. Soft booting seems to fix it but only for a little while. I have doubts that a new stick will fix this cos a friend of mine is having the same problem, and I have used kandos tut to get it up and running. Same thing happens. I think we are unable tighten the screws to the desired pressure.

    But I think it would be great if you can be more specific when you say move the analog stick until the cursor doesn't move anymore. The only way I was able to achieve this was by applying lots of pressure on the faceplate. I cannot nudge it while the faceplate is on.

  5. #105
    DCEmu Newbie
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    um..i took my whole analog stick out, but its still moving wat do i do???? and ty for the previous tips

  6. #106


    how do i put the rubber back in

  7. #107
    DCEmu Newbie
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    my analog stick broke before and i got it fixed a shop..but there is still another problem with it now. it keeps going down by itself like during games and everything. can anyone tell me how i can fix it. please e-mail me, [email protected]


  8. #108

    Default Anolog Stick Sticks and Clicks...... and Spins

    whats up man, happy new year and all that. So I let my kid mess with the PSP and she came runnin over to me after a while because her character was runnin around on its own. So i checked it out and quickly realized that the stick was shifted over and stuck, after a lil careful manipualtion, i got it free and after a lil more, got it to snap back to center itself. It works most of the time normally but everyonce in a while it'll stick again. Also, i noticed that I can spin the Nub around, which it never was able to do. I watched a video on taking out the part and what not, but i am still a lil worried about opening up the thing. At least not without some better info. I am actually pretty good at this sort of thing, repairing and taking things apart. I just dont want to screw this thing up. Its my second one as it were. Any help would be great, I cant tell you how many times i've been fragged or how many putts ive missed cuz of this lil problem. Thanx ahead of time


  9. #109


    I have simular problem to most in this post. Im gonnna try your fix....wanted to ask though.....why doesnt buying a new analog stick fix the problem? Im on my3rd new one...even bought a used one off ebay hoping and it still goes by itself to the bottom left and i can never run up with a character..and going up and to the left is pratically impossible. I really hope your fix works im ready to throw my psp out the window

    I have also read up on joysens...will this also fix this type of problem? Also i read that if you go into system settings screen and spin the analog in a circle its supposted to set the sensitivity...but doesnt seem to work....prolly bs?

  10. #110
    DCEmu Newbie
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    hello, i need some help. mind messaging me?

    thank you soo much

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