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Thread: Broken/Malfunctioning Analog Stick Problems? Post Here for HELP!

  1. #81


    does your analog stick work as in does it at least move the objects

  2. #82


    Negative. It just perpetually goes backwards.

  3. #83


    my spring came off the inside of my analog stick how do i put it back on

  4. #84
    DCEmu Newbie
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    My analog stick is offset to the left. When I push it right, it neutralizes it back to center. Do you know what I can do to fix this?

  5. #85
    DCEmu Newbie
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    nevermind. i read up and fixed it by leaving a screw in and putting down the analog piece and screwing one side of it. it put it at a tilt and hit the exact presure i needed and works like a charm. thank you guys so much. back to socoming.

  6. #86
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default analog stick

    Quote Originally Posted by donchan View Post
    I've tried the guide here (2nd page) and got my analog problems fixed. but after some playing it goes back into slow, and sometimes moves little by itself. like moving only 50% instead of 100%.
    Hi there! i have the same problem. I even had the analog stick replaced but after some time the same problem occured. Could the wires connecting it to the mother board is the one thats malfunctioning?

  7. #87
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Can u help me with my analong stick? i was changing my faceplate and now it doesnt move unless i push down realy hard please can u help me

  8. #88
    DCEmu Newbie
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    how do you take the faceplate off?
    my analogue stick keeps getting stuck in the down position it clicks back ok but then it just gets stuck again HELP

  9. #89


    My analog keeps getting stuck plz help

  10. #90


    *This is from my other forum topic. Maybe you all can help some as well.*

    PLEASE read the whole thing. It is a lot but it is very important.
    Even though I kind of fixed the problem, I will continue to post what happens to help anyone who also has this problem.

    I have been having some wierd things going on with my PSP analog stick.

    A while back it kept getting stuck and not moving. I bought a new analog stick and had no problems replacing it. For a while it worked, then it snapped while I was playing Marvel vs. Capcom on my CPS2 emulator. Then i looked online and opened my analog stick that had gotten stuck (thank god I didnt throw it away). I fixed it and then it was working great. It worked well for a long time, so none of the above problems had anything to do with the problem that it has now.

    I bought a new faceplate and screwed it on. I have to have the screw closest to the analog stick in order for the psp to read it. I knew this from the stick deadzone in the Daedalus emulator. I did this and it worked fine, until now.

    After about a month, I had problems again. The analog stick would get stuck pointing lower-right. I looked online again and found out a trick. Whne the psp was booting up, I rotated the analog stick and then it worked fine. If I left it in sleep mode for a while, it would drift lower-right again. For a while this worked as well, becoming annoying but not necesarily getting worse.

    3 days ago it got really bad. I went into the web bowser and it would move in random directions by itself. It would go just a tiny bit, not like continuoulsy moving the mouse to the left like some other people's. I went into Daedalus and saw that the pointer was just going crazy. It was moving all over and really glitchy. Now I started to worry. I reluctantly opened my PSP again and made sure everything was fine. I made sure the analog stick was really tight on the faceplate and screwed it back in. This soved it a little bit but by yesterday it was getting bad. I tried loosening it, tightening it, everything except changing the faceplate back or opening it again. My screws were stripped and I could just barely open it last time.

    I have managed to tighten it really well, and it is still glitching a lot. This time it is inside the deadzone box. I am going to do some more testing and hopefully update this topic and have narrowed it down more.

    I supplied you with all of the info I could, most not needed. I just hope I wont throw need to buy more things im down pretty bad (just lost 1 of my 2 2gb memory sticks).

    Also, some side notes that I really hope aren't the problem:

    I used parts from both analog sticks I had - the one that had snapped and the one that was stuck - to help it work better (one of the springs broke).

    I don't want to put my old faceplate on because one of the screw holes is stripped and will not hold the screw. This allows a ton of crap into the PSP.

    Thank you for reading this and post any suggestions, whether it be to fix it or help find out what the problem is.

    I found that if I press down hard left of the analog stick, it stops glitching as much. However, the screw is below the analog stick, so i cannot tighten it this way.

    I was turning it on and off, using the rotating trick when the psp was booting up, mostly out of desperation. It works ok, actually just the way i want it, when it starts out. However, if i press on the left side of the psp (past buttons, basically the edge), it moves right back to the lower-right position! I think this is really bad, since something inside might be broken. No one has helped me yet but oh well.

    I tried taking it apart, like what he said below. I think i know what the silicon thing is, and i loosened up the analog stick a little. This had no effect on the analog stick glithing. I took it apart again and changed my red faceplate back to the psp black one, keeping the red buttons. Now it works perfectly, however the hole where the screw goes is stripped, so the screw just falls out. I hope this wont be a problem. I like the black with red buttons and I will keep it this way until i figure out what the problem is with the other faceplate. It is probably just the way it goes on, maybe it is at an angle since the faceplate is not made by sony. Either way, I am going to buy a new analog stick (from a site other than ebay) when i get around to it and I will post what happens.

    I am going crazy now! The analog stick is acting up even after i took it out and used the sony faceplate. It is drifting toward the lower-right, even after the rotation trick i used before. I can manage to play mostly every game I've tried so far aside from any N64 games, which use the analog stick. i am going to take it apart and check out that rubber thing, also cleaning out the analog stick. I may use the contacts inside the analog stick from my spare parts to see if that helps.

    Alright, I got a lot of updates, but they should help anyone that has this problem. The contact idea makes sense because it is glitching around, mostly toward the upper-left hand corner. The upper left is where i think it goes when theres something wrong with it, like a default spot. This might be caused by the contact too close or too far away from the rubber MichaelMyers was talking about. I have not taken it apart, and probably see if it gets any worse before I do that, just to help figure out what the problem might be. Before It got worse as well. I think it may be the analog stick itself being retarded, if thats possible. it could be screwing up the connection because I used parts from 2 seperate analog sticks.

    Yeah, I took it apart. I cleaned it out, I checked everything, and it seems fine. I have no idea what is the matter with it. i will buy a new analog stick and change it because I really don't feel like dealing with this anymore. If that doesn't help, I'll probably stop playing my homebrew or something. The movies and music work fine.

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