Not content with upsetting gamers with its mediocre gameplay, PS2 survival horror 'The Rule of Rose' (don't worry if you've not heard of it) has gone one step further and angered Europe's justice commissioner Franco Frattini, who has taken umbrage at the glorification of violence that features in similar games.

The Rule of Rose, whose protagonist Rachel is subjected to both physical and psychological harm, has so deeply shocked the EU commissioner that he has urged all EU governments to tighten controls on such games that 'glorify' violence.

Frattini is reported to have said that "an increasing number of such games display and even glorify violence, sometimes extreme violence. In particular one of the latest games (The Rule of Rose) relates to a young girl who becomes submitted to psychological and physical violence. This has shocked me profoundly for its obscene cruelty and brutality."

His dislike has already affected the game in Italy, where the Mayor of Rome has already vowed to have it banned from shelves. Now whilst in the case of this particular game this is no particular loss, is it only a matter of time before more valuable games become affected? The recent title change of Rockstar's Bully to Canis Canem Edit may only be the tip of the iceberg if further regulations are set in place.

Indeed, Frattini added that "games where you are supposed to shoot down ordinary people walking on the streets or where you have to bully children at schools" are also on his videogame hit-list.

The commissioner now wants Home Affairs ministers meeting on December 5 to look into how they can increase awareness of the potential risks of such videogames, initially through stricter labelling and restrictions on sales to minors.

Whilst currently Frattini is demanding tighter legislation to stop children from playing these violent games, is the banning of such games (as shown in Rome) far from becoming commonplace in Europe? Have your say in the comments section below...