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Thread: New DS television spot from the UK

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS New DS television spot from the UK

    Via dsfanboy

    After seeing this new DS commercial pop up on YouTube, the idea of taking the DS along to the salon seems like a good one. Playing while commuting is obvious, but the salon's a new one on this blogger. Sitting there while Mary Sunshine chitchats about Dancing with the Stars is ... boring doesn't even begin to cover it. Where do you whip out your DS to numb the pain? Apparently the people in this print ad (to the right) take their DS Lites along to orgies.

    Can any of our British pals give us the details on this ad? Is it seen often, or is it just one of those rare events saved for particular shows whose viewers already own a DS (or two) anyway?

    Video Here

  2. #2


    These ads are fairly common on channel 4 their also used to be ads for animal crossing but they've gone now. Brain training was widely advertised over here and the DS is plugged regularly during friday night comedy short adds before the show starts and when it breaks.

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