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Thread: What did you do to get a PS3? one man's story...WARNING: PISS FUNNY!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Old Pro kando's Avatar
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    Default What did you do to get a PS3? one man's story...WARNING: PISS FUNNY!

    On Nov-17-06 at 23:22:28 PST, seller added the following information:

    Please read the amazing story of how i got this ps3

    i went out wednesday afternoon to the local walmart to start camping out. when i got there, there were already 12 people ther so i got in line being number 13. i talked around and found out the first 6 people there had been there since monday, total hardcore nerds all planning to keep them. bragging about how only they should get the system since theyve been there the longest. how they are so dedicated and how if you dont want to do the time, you shouldnt get a system. generally being complete assholes. good for them. we had a hours to pass so we became friends and played some cards and whatnot. the 6 guys in front kept to themselves and didnt associate with the rest of us. we were cool with each other leaving the line to get food, bathroom, smoke, etc since we all knew each other and as long as they were back in 30 minutes. i was about to leave to go buy some KFC for a good number of us and when i stepped out of line, one of the nerds shouted that if i left, i would lose my spot. the other guys told him that they were vouching for me and that i was just getting food but those 6 assholes didnt care. they said i leave, i lose my spot and that was the rules and they would call the manager (they had his number) to come out and enforce it. i said whatever and stayed in line.

    a few hours later, the manager came out and told everyone that there were only going to be SEVEN available. they have them in their store and theyre not getting anymore. he told the people after # 7 they should leave if they wanted to not waste their time. me being number 13 should have left but i didnt, i wanted to stick around for a little bit more. everyone else left except me and the 7 other people that were getting it for sure. so the day goes on and i try to make friends with the nerds. i play mario kart on the ds with them and talk to them about the games they were getting. about an hour or 2 later, i tell im gonnna head home since im 8 in line and theres only 7 ps3s. one of them made some stupid joke about if i leave the line then i aint getting back in!! har har. so as im about to leave, i tell them im going to the vons next door and if any of them wanted any food or coffee and id bring it back to them. one of them said yea and all the rest like sheep followed and said yes too. they were gonna give me money but i told them it was on me since theyve been out here since monday. the 7th guy in line wanted some food and coffee and i told him id buy some for him also.

    so i go to vons and buy 8 coffees, some food, and some x-lax laxatives. i bring it to my car and put some laxatives in 6 of the coffees and seperate them from mine and #7s. i pull back to walmart and bring all the drinks and food upfront. i give #7 his stuff and then the coffees with laxatives to the 6 nerds annd wish them good luck and go back to my car. i park it around the corner so i can still see them.

    about 30 minutes later, #2 and 3 in line get up and it seemed like they were yelling to the other nerds. they both ran into walmart. seconds later (i guess all nerds have the same biology) #5 gets up and runs across the parking lot and into the trees and bushes somewhere. #1 is scrounging for this portapotty type thing he'd brought with him but he is squirting everywhere and all over his pants and their sleeping bags. he runs into walmart. at this time, i start my car and drive back to the walmart to claim my spot in line. when i get there #4 and 6 are gone but i dont know where. #7 is laughing his ass off so hard and i just smile at him. i call up 5 of the other people that i had made friends with that were in line with me ( i had their phone numbers cause i was gonne buy to food for everyone) and told them to get back to the walmart ASAP and get in line. Meanwhile, me and #7 threw all their $#@! into the parking lot and i claimed my spot as #1, him as #2. 4 and the people i had called arrived and got in line just as 1 of the nerds came running back and got #7. he started yelling saying they need their spots back. we all told them to **** off, out of spot, out of line. it was all of us against him so he didnt say $#@!. the nerds came back and tried to start some $#@! but we just laughed, we told them it was their rule and to go **** themselves and clean the $#@! off their pants. the called security and security came. security man was like WTF is that ****in smell and looked at the nerds with $#@! all of them and kicked them off the grounds screaming LMAO. so that is how i got my ps3.
    P R I C E L E S S :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  2. #2
    DCEmu Art Pro
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    I killed someone,

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro kando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S34MU5 View Post
    I killed someone,


  4. #4


    Lol, some of these eBay sellers think of the weirdest things to write on their listings nowadays...

  5. #5
    PSP User JD/'s Avatar
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    That was some hilarious stuff lmao at the nerds thanks for posting the story kando.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Coder BrooksyX's Avatar
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    Thats pretty funny, as long as its true.

  7. #7
    XBOX 360 User Kramer's Avatar
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    Yeah kinda sounds unbelievable too me.


  8. #8
    DCEmu Coder Smurph's Avatar
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    I $#@!d myself out to a thousand fat chicks for $50. Or maybe it was 50 REALLY fat chicks for $1000. I don't remember, but I put the money to better use than a PS3.

  9. #9


    That was greatly amusing.

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro mavsman4457's Avatar
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    That was pretty funny but unbeliveable.

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