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Thread: Wii:Nintendon't - The case against the Wii.

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend gunntims0103's Avatar
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    Rev Wii:Nintendon't - The case against the Wii.

    news via slate

    I'll admit it—I was in love with the Nintendo Wii long before we'd ever met. And then, a few seconds after I touched those strange, new motion-sensing controllers, months of giddy anticipation vanished. I've played and won 14-hour-long Halo tournaments. I was a bird-slaughtering Duck Hunt master back when Times Square still had arcades. But the Wii, which is being marketed as the ideal system for newbies, made me feel like an incompetent novice. I don't blame myself. The ugly truth is that the Wii's already-legendary motion-detection system doesn't work very well.

    Everything about the console is designed to welcome casual gamers, from that unfortunate name to the remote-shaped controller (aka the Wii Remote) that translates movement into in-game action. Internal gyroscopes and accelerometers detect tilt, rotation, and acceleration as you pantomime steering a car or slashing a sword. The wireless controller also acts as a pointer, using an optical sensor and a TV-mounted sensor bar to let you sweep crosshairs or a cursor across the screen. For complex games you can use an additional controller, which doesn't work as a pointer but can sense motion and has a traditional thumbstick. This device is called a nunchuk, since that's kind of what it looks like when you connect the two wireless controllers with a cord. But if you think you'll be able to whip them around like Bruce Lee, you're in for the first of many disappointments.

    Nintendo wants you to believe that the Wii will tear kids off the couch and get them swinging virtual tennis rackets. There's also the suggestion that its intuitive game play could eliminate the steep learning curve that tends to repel both "casual gamers" and people who've never held a joystick before. When Time ran the first hands-on preview of the Wii, they included a photo of an ecstatic grandpa standing on his couch, controllers in hand.

    I like to hear from user's about what they think about this. Do you believe that the wii motion detection doesnt work very well, when its suppose to be user friendly but is confusing even the most experienced gamers?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    I should first say that I haven't played the Wii yet.

    Now, this guy just sounds pissed because his leet status on traditional consoles was $#@!d by the new controller. Is he really disappointed with the new controller because the "motion-detection system doesn't work very well" or is he pissed because "the ideal system for newbies, made me feel like an incompetent novice"? His entire post, or whatever, just goes on about how the Wii is for newcomers. I think he just has a stick up his ass because the Wii owned his little ego.

  3. #3
    DS LUA Coder Junixx's Avatar
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    14 Hour long Halo tournament.....WOW. People also should remember that there is a recommended distance to stand away from your TV so it will work right, am I wrong?

    Don't have a Wii by the way

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    it's WIIMOTE, not Wii Remote!

    His tradition consoling got $#@!d by the new awesomeness, like Amethyst said.

    He's just a Sony and Microsoft fanboy...

    Obviously hasn't seen Twilight Princess...

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie Dee-Lite's Avatar
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    I don't think he's even played on a Wii, he doesn't even say what game he played


  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    he could have played red steel in which case *though i havent played it yet* sounds as if is true after reading reviews on it. i also agree to have felt that i didnt like call of duty 3 controlls at all with the wiimote until i got into it farther, regardless i dont like war games i like shooters like goldeneye and halo more. I personally think he is indeed lieing though. he is very very likely a fan boy trying to bash the console because someone so hyped up should be very optimistic about things and zelda plays very similair to how it would be played on cube just with some updated for the wii things. If he is a real gamer he will apreciate the wii for everything it brings to the table and he will give it proper time.

    PS: maybe he is just tired and grumpy aswell from waiting in line for so long, when people get cranky they like to bitch and nothing is worse then a tired person trying to play wii sports.

  7. #7
    Wii User gotmilk0112's Avatar
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    lol what a nubcake. IF ITS "not working well" THEN TURN UP THE SENSITIVITY! dummy

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    The guy who wrote that article is not very bright. I stood in line and got my Wii and love playing it. I had no trouble picking it up and playing right out the box. THe motion sensing technology in the WiiMote is amazing really. I'm not a Nintendo Fanboy either although I love Zelda. I have and Xbox 360 and it hasn't been on since I got my Wii. My 5 year old son plays Wii Sports and Zelda and has very little trouble with it. The biggest problem he has is putting up with me trying to tell him what place to go on Zelda. Like others have said in this post either the guy who wrote the article stupid or just trying to bash the Wii console because he's a Sony or Microsoft Lover.

    Wii :thumbup:

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i got the wii on launch day and i was sort of dissapointed. I was one of the guys saying that the controls will make up for the graphics but when i actually looked at the graphics i thought to my self was it really worth spending 325$ for the wii and zelda when all i am really getting is a new controller?? I was very dissapointed in the zelda graphics and you all can say we dont need graphics but why should we spend 250 for another gamecube?? when a normal cube costs 100 bucks??i feel very dissapointed i rented call of duty 3 the controls dont make up for the graphics and holding the wiimote up the whole time playing hurts ur arm like crazy. the only game i had any kind of fun with was with trauma center that was kind of cool but overall i feel that we have just been tricked my by nintendo into buying a PANASONIC gamecube squished down with dvd play back removed. sorry guys the controls dont make up for the graphics it just doesnt. i mean really would anyone pick up a 2600 atari and play it again just because it came with a genesis controller????

  10. #10
    DS User woods05's Avatar
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    I love the Wii, especially the wiimote and the graphics are great.

    you guys are on drugs!!

    ps: I have played the Wii. Not just a demonstration Wii.

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