On Xbox 360 Lara's latest will offer multiplayer tournaments such as the ICC World Cup 2007 and ICC Champions Trophy 2006, leagues, exhibition and warm up matches. Leadboards and achievements - such as scoring a century - are also planned.

On PC meanwhile, the game will support LAN games and online play and offer all of the same tournaments, leagues and matches as its 360 counter-part.

On both formats up to 16-player simultaneous multiplayer tournaments will be possible, including the ICC-licensed events and the option for up to eight spectators to watch your virtual cricket unfold - although you'll probably have to make your own beer tent for that one.

Lara '07 is also heading to PS2, which will apparently feature a variety of 4-player multiplayer modes in addition to the single-player shenanigans.

Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 will be out on all free formats in March. We'll let you know how it turns out. Hopefully it'll be better than England's start in the Ashes...

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