Heres an excerpt:

There was a split in opinion when Nintendo first showed off Wii sports back in May at E3. Some were stunned and excited at the prospect of waving the Wii Remote around to hit the ball in tennis, while others took one look at the graphics and went back to the Xbox 360 booth.

Wii Sports is a package of five simple sports games: tennis, baseball, boxing, golf and bowling. As you can see, it doesn't sport much in the way of depth, neither in the graphics department nor its features, but the straightforward gameplay shows off the capabilities of the Wii very well.

Tennis is undoubtedly the best game in the package. Although you don't control the movements of your character - the computer does that automatically - you are in full control of the timing, positioning and power of your shot, all done by swinging the Remote like a tennis racquet, and it feels great.

But we don't care about the fitness score - we just have good fun playing the challenges. The boxing challenges has you hitting dummies and targets, bowling gives you, like, a million pins (slight exaggeration) to hit and there are all sorts of cool tennis games, like the target practice mentioned earlier.

Wii Sports is neither bulging in features nor graphically impressive, but when you put everything together, you have a fun package that, although better in places than others, is varied enough to keep you entertained for a good while and brilliant in multiplayer.

We'd have paid £20 for it. You're getting it in the box with your Wii. You can't complain but we're sure some of you will.

Full Article at CVG