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Thread: In Praise Of Third Place

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev In Praise Of Third Place

    Via Newyorker

    Fifteen years ago, the video-game industry was ruled by one player, Nintendo. The company had machines in a third of American homes, and it was Japan’s most profitable electronics company. The title of a 1993 book summed up the situation: “Game Over: How Nintendo Conquered the World.” Then the Sony PlayStation arrived, and everything changed. Today, Sony is the dominant force, and its chief rival is not Nintendo but Microsoft, which makes the Xbox. Two weeks ago, the début of Sony’s PlayStation 3 was greeted by crowds of hysterical consumers anxious to get their hands on the new console, billed as the most powerful gaming machine ever. When Nintendo’s new console, the oddly named Wii, appeared, a few days later, there were excellent reviews and expectations of good sales, but no more talk about world conquest. If Sony and Microsoft are the major-party nominees, Nintendo is more like a cool third-party candidate.

    You might expect, then, that Nintendo would be struggling to stay afloat. After all, the prevailing wisdom is that companies need to be market leaders, or face disaster. This approach was famously institutionalized by Jack Welch, who, when he took over as C.E.O. of G.E., laid down a rule that he described as a “central idea” of his tenure: the company would quit any business in which it was not No. 1 or No. 2. The lesson that people took away from this was clear—third place is for losers. “First prize is a Cadillac Eldorado,” Alec Baldwin’s character says in the film “Glengarry Glen Ross.” “Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you’re fired.” Nintendo, though, has not just survived out of the spotlight; it has thrived. It has five billion dollars in the bank from years of solid profits, and this past year, though it spent heavily on the launch of the Wii, it made close to a billion dollars in profit and saw its stock price rise by sixty-five per cent. Sony’s game division, by contrast, barely eked out a profit and Microsoft’s reportedly lost money. Who knew bringing up the rear could be so lucrative?

    Sony and Microsoft are desperate to be the biggest players in a market that, in their vision, will encompass not just video games but “interactive entertainment” generally. That’s why the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360 are all-in-one machines, which allow users not just to play video games but also to do things like watch high-definition DVDs and stream digital music. Sony and Microsoft’s quest to “control the living room” has locked them in a classic arms race; they have invested billions of dollars in an attempt to surpass each other technologically, building ever-bigger, ever-better, and ever-more-expensive machines.

    Nintendo has dropped out of this race. The Wii has few bells and whistles and much less processing power than its “competitors,” and it features less impressive graphics. It’s really well suited for just one thing: playing games. But this turns out to be an asset. The Wii’s simplicity means that Nintendo can make money selling consoles, while Sony is reportedly losing more than two hundred and forty dollars on each PlayStation 3 it sells—even though they are selling for almost six hundred dollars. Similarly, because Nintendo is not trying to rule the entire industry, it’s been able to focus on its core competence, which is making entertaining, innovative games. For instance, the Wii features a motion sensor that allows you to, say, hit a tennis ball onscreen by swinging the controller like a tennis racquet. Nintendo’s handheld device, the DS, became astoundingly popular because of simple but brilliant games like Nintendogs, in which users raise virtual puppies. And because Nintendo sells many more of its own games than Sony and Microsoft do, its profit margins are higher, too. Arguably, Nintendo has thrived not despite its fall from the top but because of it.

    Nintendo’s success is not an anomaly, either. The business landscape of the past couple of decades is replete with companies that have flourished as third wheels, and with companies that have struggled to make money despite being No. 1 in their industries. (Today, would you rather be Honda or G.M.?) And while it’s true that in many industries there is a correlation between market share and profitability, one doesn’t necessarily lead to the other. A recent survey of the evidence on market share by J. Scott Armstrong and Kesten C. Green found that companies that adopt what they call “competitor-oriented objectives” actually end up hurting their own profitability. In other words, the more a company focusses on beating its competitors, rather than on the bottom line, the worse it is likely to do. And a study of the performance of twenty major American companies over four decades found that the ones putting more emphasis on market share than on profit ended up with lower returns on investment; of the six companies that defined their goal exclusively as market share, four eventually went out of business.

    The point is that business is not a sporting event. Victory for one company doesn’t mean defeat for everyone else. Markets today are so big—the global video-game market is now close to thirty billion dollars—that companies can profit even when they’re not on top, as long as they aren’t desperately trying to get there. The key is to play to your strengths while recognizing your limitations. Nintendo knew that it could not compete with Microsoft and Sony in the quest to build the ultimate home-entertainment device. So it decided, with the Wii, to play a different game entirely. Some pundits are now speculating, ironically, that the simplicity of the Wii may make it a huge hit. Nintendo wouldn’t complain if that happened. But, in the meantime, third prize is looking a lot better than steak knives.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    What about Sega 15 years ago?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    Sega ruled the years of the Genesis till the SNES came out. I'm just glad I had all three Genesis, SNES, and Turbo Duo back in the day. Once I got my Duo I pretty much stopped playing my Genesis and SNES minus a couple note worthy games were released late in the consoles life cycle.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sega died after killing itself with the 32X and the American Saturn. Simple.

    Nintendo so far only has 2 economic failures under it's belt, and one very minor: Virtual Boy and N64.

    Simple. Nintendo hasn't failed as much as Sega... and apparently, nor Sony.

    El Cernex

  5. #5
    DCHelp Admin curt_grymala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cernex View Post
    and apparently, nor Sony.
    Well, that's not really a fair comparison, yet, though. Sony has only really had four real releases, and the PS3 still hasn't even sold 500,000 units (simply because that many don't yet exist in the public domain, but anyway).

    Sega was never really a huge success when it came to consoles. Yes, they were fairly close behind Nintendo for a long time, but for most of those years, Atari was right in the mix as well.

    When Sony busted onto the scene with the Playstation, though, things really started to change. They were the first mainstream system to use discs instead of cartridges. Their graphics were far greater than anything we had yet seen in the mainstream, and some of their exclusive games made the whole thing really worth while.

    However, now Nintendo is kind of in the same boat as Sony was when they released the original Playstation. The things that are attracting so many people to the Wii are the innovative controls, and the games that people still know they can only get on Nintendo consoles.

    Nintendo has really carved out a niche for themselves with all of their exclusive games. When you start thinking of Super Smash Bros, Zelda, Mario Kart, Mario platform games, etc., you realize that there are certain reasons you'll always have to own at least one Nintendo system, or at least, I start thinking that.

    I can't really say there are any exclusive games left for either of the other two consoles that make me feel the same way.
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  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie The Tjalian's Avatar
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    Isn't it funny how the two failures Nintendo has had, the N64 and the Virtual Boy, both happened one after the other? Even weirder again, that you can even draw comparisons to Nintendo and Sony in this way.

    1. Both on their third generation release
    2. Both released a failing handheld, one that tried to push the barriers to far
    3. Both consoles too powerful for their own good
    4. Both tried too hard to overcome their main competitor, who was a novice in the industry
    5. Both tried to push a format that had chances of not going anywhere
    6. Both arguably look pants (lolgg)
    7. Both had third parties jumping ship
    8. Both only had one defining title at launch

    I could probably think of more, but 8 should be enough for now

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