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Thread: Can someone help me design a logo involving 3D etc...?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Can someone help me design a logo involving 3D etc...?

    Can someone help me design a logo involving 3D?

    i am creating a ticket for an organisation, and its just basiclly simple.

    its for a Valentines party and i would like something with a 'love' heart, but a 3D model of it (so it will look outstanding, even though it will just lay flat on the actual design) and with the organisation's name around it, but not like 360 degrees around it, but like its sort of like wrapped around it but revealing or opening itself to fully show itself.

    the closest i can get of a 3D heart is this for an example:

    im sure someone can do abit better than that. or they can get the actual model from this page:

    despite wht i just said, it is quite impressive, so i will tend to use that actually. sorry. (im speaking in real-time here at the moment).

    we have the writings of the organisation name, cause in our old party's, it would always be stitched up againts a coloured sheet, and that it was made in a particular style which i cant remembre, but i am going to try to get hold of them and i will scan them and hopefully they can be used for this.

    i would ever so appreciate it if someone here can help me with this, and it would ever mean the whole world for me. i would do it, but i do not yet know how to do the stuff yet. and maybe learning from you lot as well.

    thansk very much, i will look forwards to your replies and help hopefully. message pleaseeee.

    (hope that last part didnt sound too cheesy eithre )

  2. #2
    DCEmu Art Pro
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    I might give it a shot with photoshop, but i doubt ill get far.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    oh cool.

    thanks though, i will keep you lot updated if anyone wants to help out or know how to do what im asking.

    as i said, im going to get the letterings of our association and scan them, and to use them on just this simple logo or watever.

    anyone else can help please? or anythng anyone?


  4. #4
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    I'll try it out too. I don't have 3DS MAX, but I'll give it a go in Photoshop.

    What's the organizations name?

  5. #5
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    the organisation's name is 'SAGUNTO UK: NG'

    that title itself is in cut-out letterings, in a design i wish to keep, thus as i mentioned earlier, i will scan them wen i get hold of them and post it here to show u and most likely use htem.

    i will later on do a very rough sketch how i will to look like.

    and remember htis now, this design will only be the first few attempts and i will have a look and discuss how i would like it to be looked liked. and will show it here.

    sorry if i may have sounded rude there, it was not intional, sorry anyways. i do apologize.

    P.S. i have 3DS Max, i can give you a copy if u wish, as i do not know how to use it. do you or anyone may i ask?

  6. #6
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Oh oh i have 3ds max and ive used it countless of times to make game models

  7. #7
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    I was going to get 3DS max, and signed up for a class in 3D design, but that class uses a different software, and I didn't wan to have 2 3D programs on my cpu

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    wow i dont take classes dude and i rock at doing the stuff lol i think its sometimes better to learn on youre own

  9. #9
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    OK, i just threw together a quick heart in photoshop, it didn't take too long, but it looked okay. Heres what it looks like.

    might try a more difficult one later

    Quote Originally Posted by Tetris999
    wow i dont take classes dude and i rock at doing the stuff lol i think its sometimes better to learn on youre own
    I agree, I learned Photoshop on my own, but it is a class that my school offers, it sounded pretty cool so i signed up (haven't taken it yet, i take it next semester
    Quote Originally Posted by MrTeressaBond
    i have 3DS Max, i can give you a copy if u wish, as i do not know how to use it. do you or anyone may i ask?
    If you want to learn how to use a design or programming software use heres the link to 3DS MAX

  10. #10
    DCEmu Rookie Auriman1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the catalyst View Post
    If you want to learn how to use a design or programming software use heres the link to 3DS MAX
    Thanks for the links, I've been searching for some decent 3DS tutorials for a while now

    Anyway...I'll see what I can whip up in photoshop

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