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Thread: Pre Order damnit!!!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Reviews Pre Order damnit!!!

    So, I managed to set up the one day of the wiik I could actuely pull the family together for a road trip
    Drive 45 miles to the nearest town that had more then three people in it, Stop by the local wal-mart,
    No wii's. then it was on to best buy, No wii's. Then to toys r us.. No freaking wii's and a very annoying man in a santa clause suit that wanted money for some junk or another, after promptly telling the man to get a real job, ( im a real jerk when im angry) I continue to on greenwood mall, much to my suprize they had a wii, JOY!!!, So the man opens the glass case and brings out the wii and hands it to me, Whats this! There scotch tape holding the box together, it looks like its been through hell, he asks me if i still want it, i ask him to plug it in, if it powers up. ill take my chances with it., The light comes on and then goes off and i smell something that smells like a mix between torren garlic and battery acid comeing from the unit. So i tell the man no thanks, When i get home in a last ditch effort, I call my local store, ~ Do you guys have the wii?
    uhh no, weve been out since launch day, I ask him kindly, do you know when the next shipment will arive ? he tells me if there lucky december 6'th. and even then its limited to three units per super center..............

    Then I come home, ( now you have to realize, im an instant gradification kind of guy, noirmaly I dont order online cause I absolutly can not stand waiting for something to come in..)

    So I hit up play asia, Of course it's an import but at this point i was strongly concidering it., Muct to my amazment, play asia wanted 399.99 for an imported japanese wii,

    Seconed I hit up best buy,, Due to limited supply, the wii is currently not being sold on best,

    The I hit up the bay ( always a last ditch effort with me) * saw the prices, no f***ing way...

    The hell with it, Im gonna pick up dirge of cerberus, the bully, metal gear acid 2, and twlight princess, And call it a day. :thumbup:

    All i know is at the moment the wii is a really rare thing, if you plan on buying one, and happen to find one, I would so sntach tha $#@! up if I where you, As for me. I can only hope local super centers get another shipment in before christmass.

  2. #2
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I actually saw some on sale, at gamestop. They had three, but I might get one for christmas.

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