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Thread: Seeking comic colorist

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Seeking comic colorist

    Hello peoples.

    I am on the lookout for a well talented PhotoShop'r (or whatever tools you may use) to be my colourist for my online comics.
    I currently have 1 up on my site, with tons more to come. my site is new and upcoming so im just getting this project on the go.

    The comics are funny/game related.
    I would wish the person to have time to do the job, if they are interested. you DONT have to be the shiz at it, but decent.
    I tried coloring in one of my comics myself, and its not bad but not good either.

    If anyones interested in tag team'n a new online comic with me, Sketch, then please respond. is my site. (mainly about PSP Game Code Creation)

    The "OneHitGamer" name i originaly thought of for a comic title, where like you have "one hit wonders" in music, the main character was a HIT gamer. he had one MAJOR videogame he stared in and then he becamea one hit wonder. so now, its just about him and his life. it doesnt sound atractive at first i know, but dont worry, i got this under control.

    I do random art as well. i will upload later. be sure to check out the "BETA" funny comic in the comics section on main site. also in forums theres some more of my stuff in the NEWS and UPDATES section.
    also planning a FULL on comic as well.

    So, if you wish to join me, please speak up!
    (can show you alot more arts that arent online too)

    AIM: SketcHacker

    (look down in my signature below, thats a taste of what i can do. drawn with a mechanical pencil and printer paper.)


  2. #2
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    I'm willing to try it out.

    I have not spent too much time in the area of Digital coloring, but I'm an avid Photoshop user. I actually have a cartoon that I drew for my School paper, that I was hoping to color sometime this week.
    I'll post it here when I finish it, and if its any good, count me in.

    Edit: I may also try it out in flash

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Kool kool man. i look forward to seeing what you can do!

  4. #4
    DCEmu Regular Cheyzak's Avatar
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    I'm also willing to give it a shot. I made tons of Flash games, and I really like Photoshoping, so whatever you need, I'll be glad to help.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Maybe i can make good use of MULTIPLE artists eh? lol. just so you guys know, i do 2 different styles of art.
    One, is cartoony comics. Two, is whats in my sig. generally i like my art original and stay in black and white. BUT, just for my random art, i will probably leave black and white. and for the FULL comic, i would of course want to do colored.

    Funny comics will be 1-8 or so panels long. the FULL comic, which would take longer to make of course, can possibly PAGES long. several pages long if not a full 30 pages worth. that project would be in the future, as of right now i wish to focus on my funny comics.

    I have no problem tag teaming with several people. i will open up a new section at OneHitGamer for just this. maybe a biography of all the artist and you guys the colorist's. i been wanting to make my "posse" into a cartoon, along with story info, bio's etc etc. lol just make US apart of the fantasy world WE create.

    Thats one more thing i wanna say out loud as well. Yes, i own OHG, and i own the comic and future art/comics. BUT, WE are the creators. i dont wanna be the "head of the team". i want the TEAM to be head of the team...if yah catch my drift lol.
    Ok, ima shut the hell up now. im just happy now, if i can get some creative mofo's on my team, then it would inspire me to do more stuff in art.

    Blah blah blah, yada yada.
    Im a funny guy, and i CAN show it in my comics. and i would wish to bring some talented peoples along on the ride with me.

    PS: Just a little background on OneHitGamer, we have grown fast and big. alot of people come to us for code creation among other reasons. almost everyone, mainly in the PSP scene, knows about us. we DO have enemies, but we have more freinds then anything. like i said before, OHG was originaly made for a comic, but turned into a code hacking site. but, i wanna lift the original idea off the ground and run with it. i just need you guys by my side as i CANNOT do what you guys can do.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    Nice work.
    I scanned in my cartoon, and am almost finished inking it in flash, should have it colored either today or tommorrow

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular Cheyzak's Avatar
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    Could you post a black and white image for us to color? Just for you to see what we can do.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Rookie 1stvinicius's Avatar
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    Ok, what are the rewards? Here are my works:

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Rewards? lol im seeking a TEAM. thats the reward. tobe apart of the team that CREATES OneHitGamer online comics. basicly YOU are starting a project as well. so its not just ME seeking to start this with talented peoples, but its you who are starting it as well. it is NOT a job, its a tag team effort to make online entertainment for a growing website.

    And yes, i could up some black n white pics for you to color up. give me some time though, as i would want to sum up something new and challenging enough.

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