Speaking to smarthouse.com.au Paul Holman, vice president of technology at SCEE said that recent talk of Sony moving focus from hardware to software following recent changes in its board room "is a bit far fetched". He said, "To say that there will be no PS4 because of a management change is a bit far fetched."

The smarthouse story ran with the headline PS4 in 2010, but we can't see that happening at all, the console won't even go on sale in Europe until 2007 and Sony has already said that PS3's life cycle could last up to ten years - not that we can see that happening either...

Speaking of PlayStation Store, Holman added, "The site will have movie trailers, 1080p Blue Ray movies and game clips as well as full movie and game titles for direct purchase by a consumer. We believe that this will appeal to PS3 users while also allowing new developers to market their developments to the PS3 user."

Holman also said that he expects 20 new PS3 games to be available from the European launch next March.