Ten times the current amount. Should put a strain on central London's 2.5 networks.
New stats from Informa Telecoms & Media estimates the value of the whole mobile biz will go from from $325.8 billion to $627.5 billion between 2011 and 2016. There will be a rise of 23 per cent in phone ownership overall.
And its data that's driving the rise, with traffic up from 3.89 trillion megabytes to 39.75 trillion megabytes.
The main uses of data will be web, P2P messaging and apps. Video streaming will consume one third of all bandwidth but only deliver one per cent of revs. Bit worrying.
Average users will consume 6.5 times as much video, over eight times as much music and social media, and nearly ten times as many games as in 2011.
Informa reckons the average number of text messages sent in a month will go from 118 now to 146 in four years.
