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Thread: Wii shortages frustrating gamers

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Wii shortages frustrating gamers

    Shortages of Nintendo Wii consoles around Europe have left some gamers who pre-ordered the new machine frustrated.
    Nintendo, which has already launched the machine in the US and Japan, said it expected to sell out of Wiis on the first day of sales.

    More than four million Wiis will be shipped globally this year, and 50,000 were sold in the UK in 12 hours.

    BBC News has been e-mailed by gamers disappointed that pre-orders for the machine have not been fulfilled.

    More than 1,200 Wiis have gone on sale on online auction site eBay in the UK within hours of the launch. The highest price for a console so far has been £500.

    Simon Ball from Wales e-mailed the BBC News website to say he had failed to receive his ordered Wii.

    He said: "I pre-ordered the Nintendo Wii from on 15 September along with some software.

    "I have been informed today that it is unlikely my order will be fulfilled before Christmas. Incredibly they have dispatched the game we ordered to accompany the console."

    'Not shipped enough'

    Claire Inglesby from Liverpool wrote: "I pre-ordered the console in November from Woolworths website for my son's Christmas present.

    "I received an e-mail today informing me that as Nintendo had not shipped enough I might not receive my order.

    Many shops opened at midnight for the launch

    "So the fact that I had the foresight to pre-order and not disappoint my son means very little as they obviously expect me to camp outside Woolworths for days on end."

    David Yarnton, general manager, Nintendo UK, said: "We are doing everything we can do to meet demand throughout Christmas and the New Year period."

    A spokesman for Woolworths said there were problems getting stock from Nintendo.

    The UK chain has said it expects to fulfil all pre-orders for the machine by next Tuesday or Wednesday.

    He said: "Demand has far outstripped supply and we are delighted to have been able to secure a significant amount of consoles for our customers before Christmas."

    Woolworths were not able to confirm if they would receive any more stock once pre-orders had been met.

    Currys, PC World and Dixons have said they will deal with outstanding pre-orders in "strict chronological order".

    Nintendo has warned people to be careful with the Wiimote

    In a statement from the retail group, it said: "When we reached the point in the pre-ordering process when demand exceeded anticipated supply, we made it clear to any customers choosing to join the list after that date there were no guarantees that we would be able to fulfil their orders prior to Christmas."

    Rob Lowe, UK product manager for Wii, said: "There is a good chance it will sell out on Friday.

    "Judging by the feedback we have had from the retailers I would say you would be lucky to get one on Saturday," he said.

    Response to the Nintendo Wii's release has been very positive among consumers and journalists.

    The console costs £179 and includes a motion-sensitive controller shaped like a remote control.

    The so-called Wiimote can be jabbed, swung, waved and turned to imitate a range of real-life motions that are represented on screen.

    Nintendo hopes that simplifying the control system will make games consoles less intimidating to non-gamers and more accessible and immersive for hardened players.

    via BBC

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    you know whats funny? people complain waaaaay to much its really retarded they expect everything to be okay and that they will get whatever they want, when they want. they have no clue of what resources they use up, they have no idea how long nintendo has to take to make wii consoles, its stupid because supposebly they just cant go FAST enough for the peoples wii's were all humans and we ALL have to understand that we have limitations! sure i was disappointed when i didnt get my ds-x but i understood it would take long, i didnt expect them to speed up time and finish my product just cuz im a big baby. itsnt that strange? im wondering how they would react when trees dont grow a million apples for them in one day!!

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie philr359's Avatar
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    the delays are understandable, but waiting in line for 2 hours in the cold at k-mart, just to find out they lied and actually had NONE in stock, just pisses me off

  4. #4


    its starting to piss me off to ive been waiting 4ever

  5. #5
    PS Beta Tester & Mod DPyro's Avatar
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    They should have made the launch date October instead of now. Then there wouldn't be this 'holiday rush' to get one. Stupid companies

  6. #6


    Roflcopters. I got mine, but it was far from easy...

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie bobcobb's Avatar
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    I waited for three hours at the mall studying for finals. Got lucky at EBGames, showed up at noon, UPS man was bringing 7 a few hours later. I was first in line, and my eyes lit up when they opened the box and there was a stack of zeldas.

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