Industry legend Warren Spector has revealed to CVG his admiration of Nintendo's Zelda series.

In an interview to be published later in the month, we asked the brains behind the likes of Deus Ex what his dream videogame would be.

"The answer depends on my mood. Honestly, there are times when Zelda (pick one of 'em - ANY of 'em) is as close to perfection as I need to get. I swear my blood pressure drops when I hear the Zelda soundtrack. And I never feel as heroic, as much a part of something epic and important, as I do when I'm pretending to be Link," Spector replied as part of his answer.

And he's not alone. Nintendo has delivered what many regard as some of the greatest videogames of all time with its Zelda titles, and most recent release Twilight Princess has received heaps of plaudits - including a hefty round of applause from us.

Along with querying Warren Spector about his dream videogame in the interview, we asked him about his current top secret project underway at his new company Junction Point Studios and plenty of other stuff.