IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker said Android contributed 59 per cent and iOS 23 per cent of the 152.3 million smartphones shipped in 1Q12.
That's 82 per cent – a big rise on the combined share of 54.4 per cent they had in 1Q11. And miserable news for the once mighty RIM/Symbian and the wannabe WinPho.
Symbian slipped from 26.4m shipments to 10.4m, while RIM went from 13.9m to 9.6m. For all its efforts WinPho could only rise from 2.2m to 3.3m. Interestingly, at 3.5m, more Linux devices shipped than WinPho.
"The popularity of Android and iOS stems from a combination of factors that the competition has struggled to keep up with," said Ramon Llamas, senior research analyst with IDC's Mobile Phone Technology and Trends program.
"Neither Android nor iOS were the first to market with some of these features, but the way they made the smartphone experience intuitive and seamless has quickly earned a massive following."