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Thread: DC Movie Player - "Test Version" text on screen

  1. #1

    Default DC Movie Player - "Test Version" text on screen


    I was wondering if anyone knew how to remove the 'Test Version' text that comes out when you play videos in Bero's DC Movie Player. Is it possible? I remember seeing a thread with the same question on another site (possibly dcemulation) about doing this, but I was unable to find the topic in which it was mentioned. All I remember is the poster who responded to the question saying it would be possible by using a hex editor to replace the phrase with empty spaces (making sure that the empty spaces were the same length as the phrase).
    I decided to try doing that with the first test version of Bero's player (the second test version was worse than the first IMO), looking for the text string through the bin file (it was located in different parts of the file as 'Test ver' and 'sion' ) and then making an SBI file so I could include it in a Dream Inducer compilation CD of DC multimedia apps. Anyhow, to get to the point, whenever I tried to launch the Movie Player, my dreamcast would just reset itself. I'm pretty sure I made the SBI correctly since I used the same method to make SBIs of DCDivx Beta 3 and that app worked when I tried out the CD.
    Does anyone know what I did wrong? Thanks.

  2. #2


    hrb2k3 made some bins with the *Test Version* tag removed, here's the original post where he posted a link to his website (the fourth post from top):

    It's off atm - PM him, otherwise I'll have a look into uploading the bins soon anyway (I'll have to look thru my backups).

  3. #3


    You have to unscramble the BIN before you remove the text. Use Fackue's 1ST_READ.BIN File Checker or Right Click Scramble or something.

    I'm actually not sure why, they way you did it would be a problem as long as you only replaced the "TEST VER" and "SION" and nothing else, but that's got to be what's wrong as long as you're using a hex editor and not a text editor. Replace the text with spaces (hex 20).

    It's worked fine for me.

    What's up with DC Movie Player anyway? I guess Bero is long gone, right? And as I recall he'd lost the source before he even released the test 2 version, but someone else ought to re-port ffmpeg and work on audio syncing because aside from that problem (and the ugly menu), DC Moivie Player is by far the best media player on the DC.

    ...word is bondage...

  4. #4

  5. #5


    hey guys!

    I was able to get it to work. Thanks to both of you guys for pointing me in the right direction. I read up a little on unscrambled vs scrambled binaries on fackue's website before trying it. Once that was out of the way, I d/l'ed fackue's 1st_read.bin file checker to unscramble the files, I removed the Test Version text again through hex workshop, stuck the resulting files in sbi files, and was able to make a selfboot inducer compilation disc with both test versions of DC Movie Player. They worked great. Just in case christuserloeser isn't able to find his bins, I went ahead and uploaded them.

    Here's the links to the sbi files for both:

    DC Movie Player Test 1 SBI

    DC Movie Player Test 2 SBI

    I'll leave them up for a few days, by which time I'm hoping someone will have uploaded them to another server more suited to handle more people. Once again, thanks and hope that those files are useful to someone out there.

    Addendum: Apparently the server has a problem with the .sbi extension, so I went ahead and changed the extension to .zip so the links above should work now.

  6. #6


    Cool. I thought they was more to it than only hexedit out the text : /

    Thanks for sharing your SBIs with us Kaishounashi

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