Well, we can't exactly say we saw this one coming. Microsoft has today taken the wraps off a rather ambitious project dubbed on{X}, which is available exclusively for Android smartphones initially (support for more platforms is planned), and offers a range of tools that promise to help "automate your life." Developed by the company's R&D Center in Israel, the service consists of a website and an app, the former of which lets you select from a variety of scripts (or "recipes," as Microsoft calls them), while the latter executes them on your phone. The kicker is that anyone can create their own recipes and share them with others, and they can take all of the capabilities of a smartphone into account -- performing an action when you arrive at a specific location, for instance, or setting reminders based on the weather forecast (all the actual processing is handled on the phone). Much like Kinect, Microsoft is hoping that folks will take the platform and run with it, developing new features that it hasn't even thought of. Those interested can get started right now at the source link below, or get a taste of the service in the video after the break.
