Hopes of a PlayStation Vita price cut announcement at E3 have come and gone, and Sony reckons the price of the system will not be reduced any time soon.
“Oh, absolutely," Sony Worldwide Studios chief Shuhei Yoshida told Eurogamer when asked if he was happy with the current price of the system.
"From the value for money standpoint, we think we have a good price for what the system is. And our priority is to achieve the potential through more games and services.
"Of course people who are looking to buy are also talking about the price of PS Vita, especially when they have to buy a memory card as well. That's something we have to spend time to cost reduce and address in the future. But now, our laser focus is to increase the content and to realise the potential of the system."
UK sales of the console currently stand at around 10,000 units and are lagging significantly behind the sales posted by its predecessor the PSP upon its release.
Global sales as of the end of March had reached 1.8m units. Sony has forecasted combined Vita and PSP sales of 16m units for the current fiscal year.