Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has clarified Nintendo's Wii U launch window as being the three to four month period after the console's release.
Talking to IGN He also revealed that all of the firstparty games shown during Nintendo's E3 2012 presentation were launch window titles, but with the other revelation in mind, some of those games may not show up before 2013.
Fils-Aime went on to discuss Metroid Prime studio Retro, which is apparently working on an undisclosed project. Retro's last game was Donkey Kong Country Returns, which was released in 2010.
"If I disclosed what Retro is doing, I would have the president of Retro literally calling me right now saying, 'Reggie, what are you doing?'", Fils-Aime explained. "We love that people are interested. We love surprising people.
"Rest assured, the team is hard at work. But I'm not gonna tell you what they're working on."
Whatever it is, Fils-Aime said that it was unlikely that the studio would reveal anything "anytime soon".