Games mags X360 and 360 Magazine have been merged by publisher Imagine.
The change takes place immediately, with the X360 brand chosen as the identity with which the pair will move forwards.
“Having been involved with both magazines throughout the last five years, it would be fair to say that X360 and 360 Magazine have always occupied their own individual niche; there have always been elements each has realised with greater effectiveness than the other,” Dan Howdle, who assumes the role of editor in the new team, stated.
“The new X360 combines the power of these unique strengths into one highly desirable whole. I could not be more thrilled at being a part of the team that’s going to make X360’s future a reality.”
Editor in chief Rick porter added: “By merging these two magazines, we have a chance to better focus ourselves on creating exactly what is needed is push the X360 brand forward.
“Ultimately, we’re now in a position to create the best possible package for the Xbox 360 gamer, and ensure the X360 brand goes from strength to strength in the challenging single-format magazine market.”
Issue 87 and X360 – the first since the merger – will go on sale on July 11th.