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Thread: HELP- universal DC sgetec stick mod

  1. #11
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    What directions? the analogue or the d-pad?

    The DC analogue may not be compatible with hardwiring a d-pad to, i'll check and see if i can get it to work.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Coder
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    the only thing that could work 100% is to use 2 wires per switch, if your arcade controller has 4 directions 6 buttons and a start it won't fit on the vga connector.

    You can remove unused wires by making sure they connect to the same points with an ohmmeter (but will it be possible for different game consoles ?).

    So you start by checking what switches pins are connected together on all the gamepads you want to use, you reserve a wire for each of those commons signals and connect a wire to the opposite side of the switches.

    And of course you keep us informed of your results and informations :-)

  3. #13
    DCEmu Coder
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    of course I'm talking of digital buttons/directions, if there's some circuitry to convert digital inputs into analog (like some pads for pc gameport), it won't work (that's why you need to know how your pads are really working).

  4. #14
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Semicolo, there is a such thing as a common ground which almost all basic circuits use, what purpose would having differant ground? i can assure you it is a common signal - ground.

    Therefore you wouldnt need 2 for each, just one plus a common ground for all to connect to when the switch/button is closed.

    Kingbuzzo, hardwiring a DC analogue input to a standard d-pad definately works, perhaps the problem is at the other end.

  5. #15


    the problem is that I can't even get my stick to work properly when I solder to the board. I assume that there are "illegal" connections between up down left and right that I need to get rid of.

    I've decided to once again start over, and this time I will be using a one of those 15 pin connectors I've seen other people use. Soldering to only two rows of pins should be a LOT easier than soldering to 3 rows.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    King, i admire your persistance, however i'd admire you even more if you got it right first time

    I used a VGA connector and they arent too bad to solder to just make sure you start on the outside connections first, i know the 15 pin connector with two rows your talking about, that should be easier.

  7. #17


    well I've mastered soldering to 15pin vga. but soldering to the controller pcb seems to be destroying all my 3rd party psx controllers =/ damn 35watt iron.

    anyone willing to soldering wires to a white dual shock controller and maybe solder to a male vga port with my specifications?

    I've just about given up here.

  8. #18
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    King, i think you need to practice a bit more with a soldering iron. Although a 35w is too high for this sort of stuff and will make things harder. Just get a 15w for £5.

    When i did a universal controller mod, i used a 15 pin vga wired to the DC, i soldered to the traces rather than the buttons so that the controller could still be used, then i wired a NES controller to work on the other end. Again soldered to the traces as otherwise it would stop the buttons hitting properly, then i scored the traces leading to the IC in the NES contr. deep enough so there was no more connection (obviously left the common ground connection) that way i was sure there would be no interference from the old IC.

    It took about 2 hours.

    Also King, i know why you're VGA mod isnt working. Remember when you said that DevCast said you only need to ground pin 7, that wont work. As i said in the tut. you need to ground both 6 and 7, to ensure the DC outputs RGB and the V and H syncs, i fou ground only 7 it seems to do the syncs but no RGB. So you have to ground the RGB select (pin6).

  9. #19


    I'll go pick up a new soldering iron today.

    I"ll try the vga mod again one day as well.

    But I just can't see myself soldering to those tiny pins on the dualshock. I'll check out the white psONE controllers since those are supposed to have larger pins. we'll see I guess. =/

  10. #20
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Get a really thin soldering tip, that'll make it easier. Those pins arent so bad, i've done a couple of mods on PS2 controllers. I doubt the Ps1 ones are much better.

    I recommend soldering to the traces, just scratch off the green on a trace and then solder to the copper trace underneath, that way you can solder to loads of differant places meaning to nearby pins/open traces to accidentally solder to.

    Also that is definately the reason your VGA isnt working, i tried it and no image will come on the screen if only pin 7 is grounded, you need pin 6 grounded.

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