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Thread: Wii: Not 3 free vc games....

  1. #1

    Unhappy Wii: Not 3 free vc games....

    6 FREE VC GAMES !!!!!

    Check here:


    Or Here:

    There were reports a while back when the Wii came out of people saying how they could access the Wii Shop Channel through Mozilla Firefox. GoNintendo just recently ran a story where one of their readers was searching through the Wii Shop Channel, and found Super Mario Bros. for the NES. I decided to take this idea and loop upon it myself. The results were quite interesting… Read more into this post to see my findings, and how to do this yourself.

    [Update 1] Commenter reminded me how to do octal number representation, and I now realize that there is no octal used in the titleID URL and it is just hexadecimal. It dosn’t change the methods at all, just the terminology. I corrected the article to reflect the changes.
    First thing first, I had to find out how to access the Wii’s Shop Channel through a PC browser. First you have to install a Firefox extension called User Agent Switcher, which you can find here. Once you have that installed, it’s time to set it up. This site here has a good write up on setting it up. Once it’s configured, now you can access the shop channel. First thing first, you’re going to want to check out the Shop Menu Channel to make sure it works. Due that by following this link. If it loaded the homepage, it did not work. You will have to go back and configure your User Agent Switcher correctly. If that works, start by going to the Sonic The Hedgehog game page here.
    Now notice the end of the URL I just provided for the Sonic page, it goes like this: titleId=000100014D414845
    That 16 digit code is your method of finding different games on the virtual console. Now I could be wrong in this following information, but my theories seem to be correct. Do you know how the hexadecimal number system works? Lucky for me I just learned it this past term in college. I’m guessing because of the hex form, so it can be split into four different parts, like this:
    0001 0001 4D41 4845
    Each set of 4 numbers holds a different value. I’m not sure what the first two mean, but are irrevelant in this situation. The 3rd set, 4D41 determines which system you are viewing, and 4845 determines which game you are looking at. Now knowing the hexadecimal number system, numbers go from 1-9 and A-F.
    Now to put this to use… say we want to look at other Genesis games. Keep 000100014D41 the same, but edit the last part of the code. As of right now since there aren’t too many games released yet, it doesn’t take full advantage of all four digits, but it will be in due time. For now, to change games, simply change the second digit. Try changing 4845 to 4145, so the URL is this. Check that out, now your looking at the page for Altered Beast. Now for a bit of a surprise… Try putting 4945 at the end of the code and you’ll get the page for Space Harrier 2, the latest Virtual Console game. Now normally the games aren’t numbered in succession, but they seem to be for Genesis in this situation. Knowing hex, what’s after 9? Put 4A45 in at the end of the code and you will be presented with the Toe Jam and Earl page which isn’t set to debut until next week! Calm down, I know it says free, but any unreleased game says free for now, as it’s just a placeholder for price. I figure I’ll let all of you search it out from here, but let me give you some code tips.
    For the system part of the code (3rd set of 4 numbers), they are as follows:
    4D41 - Genesis
    4641 - NES
    4A41 - SNES
    4E41 - N64
    5041 - TG-16

    Wanna see all the hidden unreleased games I found?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Xiofire's Avatar
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    Could easily be a Photoshop job, but fingers crossed.


  3. #3



  4. #4


    Man what a bummer....

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