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Thread: TTR v0.9

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend gunntims0103's Avatar
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    psp TTR v0.9

    new release via Freshmilk

    Heres what Freshmilk had to say -

    Hi All, and welcome to the 9th Release of TTR, v0.9!
    (lol, there was v0.7 and v0.7b, so work it out for yourself). Please note this release is being released earlier than expected, so parts of it are still buggy, however nontheless...

    So, as a starter, a short overview of what TTR is:

    TTR stands for Table Top Rally, which is like your average Car-Dodging style game plus one. Rather than having the same boring old layout everytime you play, there are new cars, interchangeable backgrounds and cool music. If none of these appeal to you, everything I just mentioned can be custimized and changed with the minimum of effort, in 5 minutes, to make the game look and feel just how it should. And with our new feature, custom cars, the game's already limitless boundries are stretched even further.

    This is basically the perfect game for the office, on the road, or having a wee, for an addictive fast-paced thrill game as you swere and dodge to avoid a firey death at the hands of oncoming traffic. Read on to find out more.
    Phew, you'd think i'm actually trying to sell you this thing!

    Now lets look at just a few of the names who helped to build TTR into what it is today:

    Freshmilk - Coder, Developer, and basically Inventor of TTR
    Maxime - Orginal Code, as this game was based on GTA: DF
    Valo - Co-Owns the project, and has done all the GFX from V0.6 and onwards, although for the first time, in this version he was helped by
    -Skyline- - First time GFX artist for TTR, who made good use of the little number of sprites we had and still producing brilliant Results.
    ZeroeX - Sprites for the game
    -Tacticalpaper- - For boosting TTR's popularity by including it in his shell, which is yet to be released, and will include a smaller version of this game.

    I can't stress enough just how much skyline helped me during TTR's production... thanks dude!

    Now that we know all about TTR and what it stands for and who made it, lets take a look of some screen shots of the new Mario Kart GFX:


    Now, lets wrap this release up with a quick summary of everything thats new, and let me just say, theres a lot new to this version!

    - 8 new 'Mario Kart' characters from modified sprites
    - Orginal 'Mario Kart' music
    - New GFX overhaul, made by Oyez and Valo
    - Individual stats for each car
    - Stats editing system
    - 4 New Tracks to race on
    - Added in a boundry system for terrains, so that you cant go off the track.
    - Fixed the Intesection Highscore bug
    - Every car can now run on Intersection
    - Added Driving Animation for rally mode (Directional Buttons)
    - Added Driving Animation for rally mode (Analogue Stick)
    - Added Driving Animation for Intersection mode (Analogue Stick)
    - Completely Finished Intersection Collisions - Intersection is no longer a BETA
    - Hopefully fixed the crash problem
    - Currently works with 1.50 - 2.71, SE-A - SE-C, and possibly 2.80
    - New *.ttr file type

    Please note that this game is still a little buggy, and that it wouldn't be here without my new partner, -Skyline-.

    Thanks to everyone who helped, as it all contributed to another great release.
    Have fun playing, but remember:
    Leave your comments, they are always appreciated!

    download via links and give feedback via comments
    via Freshmilk

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Cool, looks good

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie kiore's Avatar
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    The idea is ok but the player can move the charater off screen and score literly tens of thousands points , some thing to look at for the next version.

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