Scott Rohde, the VP of Sony Worldwide Studios, has insisted that the combination of PS3 and Vita is a better prospect for consumers than Nintendo’s Wii U.
"Because we have the Vita, I think we can do a lot of special things,” he told Games Industry. “And remember, that Wii U tablet doesn't have a processor in it, so it's got to be fuelled by that box sitting under your TV.
“We can do some pretty special things that you'll start to see on the floor this year and you'll see more over the upcoming months about what you can do when you actually have a processor in the thing that's in your hand as well."
This, of course, neglects the fact that Vita sales (so far, at least) have failed to take off. Rohde, as you would expect however, remains optimistic.
"It's only been three months though, just three months,” he insists. “There are a lot of games on that machine and I think what we have to hang our hat on... every single person that actually picks that thing up absolutely loves it.
"So we're going to continue to build on that momentum. We have a lot of good things coming.”