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Thread: Yabause 0.8.0 Released!

  1. #21

  2. #22
    Dcemu Coder
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    Just coming for news about DC yabause Any WIP ?

  3. #23

  4. #24
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    I should be able to keep up with the Linux/Mac/Windows version releases, at least for the forseeable future (judging that there isn't another major change in the way Yabause works any time soon). As for news between releases, I don't really have any right now. I've been working on other projects that I neglected while I made Yabause work again.

    As a side note, it took me about a month to get Yabause's Dreamcast port to run again. It hadn't really been touched much since the last release I did, about two years before this one (due to lack of time on my part).
    Sylverant PSO Server #dreamcastdev #dcemuuk #yabause #ljsdcdev

  5. #25


    That's good to hear and thanks a thousand times for this release !

    Still, one day this project needs a dynarec like byte swapper for the SH2/SH4 (little endian/big endian) conversion, and PowerVR accelleration. I'm really curious if and which games we could get to play at full speed with CDDA ^^

  6. #26
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    It has PVR acceleration for all the stuff drawn by VDP1 already. Unfortunately, doing any PVR acceleration of VDP2 is practically impossible (I tried before this release... it ended up overflowing all my vertex buffers, and I can't increase the size of them much more than I already have).

    As for a dynarec, when I get the time to figure out all the logistics, I will work on it.

    Glad you like the release, as a side note.
    Sylverant PSO Server #dreamcastdev #dcemuuk #yabause #ljsdcdev

  7. #27

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCrab View Post
    It has PVR acceleration for all the stuff drawn by VDP1 already.
    Wow O_O I wasn't aware of that ! So that's the reason for the speed boost compared to your initial release and this version! Great work !

    As for a dynarec, when I get the time to figure out all the logistics, I will work on it.
    Hey, I didn't really want to ask you for doing it right now! I just posted it because I felt it should be posted.

  8. #28
    The Long Claw of the Law BlueCrab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser View Post
    Wow O_O I wasn't aware of that ! So that's the reason for the speed boost compared to your initial release and this version! Great work !
    Actually, I think a lot of the speed boost is due to the fact that Yabause was completely rewritten from scratch between those two versions. The version before this also used the PVR for all the VDP1 stuff (the Linux version used OpenGL, and I pretty much used the same renderer).

    Quote Originally Posted by Christuserloeser View Post
    Hey, I didn't really want to ask you for doing it right now! I just posted it because I felt it should be posted.
    I didn't think you were, sorry if it came off that way. Its been a long couple of days....
    Sylverant PSO Server #dreamcastdev #dcemuuk #yabause #ljsdcdev

  9. #29


    great job bluecrab, saturn on the dreamcast is what sega should have done from day one

    keep it up mate

  10. #30
    DCEmu Old Pro Elven6's Avatar
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    This thing is given me some trouble, I have a copy of THe Lost Vikings, the first time I tried it the game worked out, but when I try it now it keeps saying it won't work.

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