Jonathan Evans has revealed that M15 is working to counter astonishing levels of cyber-attacks on the UK industry.
In his first public speech in two years, the M15 chief warned that UK internet vulnerabilities were being taken advantage of by both cyber criminals and states alike.
"This is a threat to the integrity, confidentiality and availability of government information but also to business and to academic institutions," Evans said.
In Monday night’s speech, the head of M15 presented an overview of threats that Britain could face through the Olympics and beyond.
He warned that there was no doubt that some terrorist networks had considered carrying out attacks at the London Olympics, but the Games would not be an easy target as security preparations were well under way.
Evans cautioned against thinking the terror threat was over after Bin Laden’s death: "In back rooms and in cars and on the streets of this country there is no shortage of individuals talking about wanting to mount terrorist attacks here."