The latest issue of MCV is now available digitally, and it features interviews with Xbox's Chris Lewis and Phil Spencer.
We also investigate SmartGlass, pay tribute to departing Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton and speak to Gianluca Vialli about his new game
The magazine is available for iPad. Download our app now, which includes access to the last two years of MCV, and includes a free archive of back issues from during that time.
You can also read the magazine in your browser here.
The issue's key content includes:
• A trade tribute to Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton
• Retailers reveal their dream Wii U launch
• Football legend Gianluca Vialli seeks publisher for his new game, Lords of Football
• Interview: Xbox's Chris Lewis and Phil Spencer
• Eight pages of data, including the latest statistics from Kantar Worldpanel
• Interview: Trion Worlds' European boss John Burns
• Interview: Gamescom's Franko Fischer responds to Microsoft and Nintendo's non-attendance
• BioWare, Visceral Games, Xbox and Ubisoft discuss creating video game novels, films and comics
• Plus: Previews of Brave and Mirror Mirror, trailers for Defiance and Hitman and a brief look at Ukraine