More than 70 per cent of those are iPads.
According to YouGov's latest quarterly Tablet Tracker report, in May 2012, eight per cent of the UK population owned a tablet - that's about three million owners in the UK.
The data showed that Apple's iPad is still dominant, with more than 70 per cent of tablet owners having one, and the new iPad alone has managed to capture 11 per cent of the market since its release earlier in the year.
Since the last quarter, Apple's overall share has slipped four percentage points due to the growing competition from the likes of Samsung (seven per cent share in the market).
In news that will please Samsung and Google, nearly half of current tablet owners (45 per cent) are considering switching their devices, with many citing price as the main reason.
John Gilbert, consulting director of YouGov's technology and telecoms sector, says: "While Apple continue to set the standards of tablet quality, Samsung and other manufacturers are fast approaching and exceeding Apple on price metrics.