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Thread: FENIX Game: Streets of Rage Remake

  1. #1

    Default FENIX Game: Streets of Rage Remake

    Hello Chui,

    A Windows version of Streets of Rage Remake will be released tomorrow, on 31th December.

    It is using an enhanced FENIX engine.

    Bomberlink is planning to port it to Dreamcast in 2007 - maybe you could help him ? You know the Dreamcast very good and you've been porting FENIX to DC, so maybe you can help Bomberlink ?

    Official Website:

    Playable Demo 4 Download (for Windows):

    Demo Video (Xvid):

  2. #2


    Here's the current version of SoRR:

    ...and here you can make your voice heard for a Dreamcast port of Streets of Rage Remake:

    This is what Bomberlink (lead programmer of Bombergames) posted about a future Dreamcast version:

    Quote Originally Posted by BoMbErLiNk
    I think Dreamcast have suficient CPU for run SorR at full speed in 320x240 mode, but needs a lot of changes on the RAM, maybe reducing the samples quality or palettes..

    But for now i need a improved/fixed version before start any new port

  3. #3


    It really would be awesome *to have this ported to DC* once I love SoR and SoRR just rules!

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