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Thread: What the PSP needs before it goes dry, opinions please

  1. #1
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Default What the PSP needs before it goes dry, opinions please

    I think the psp has a massive emulator and homebrew database, everything spanning from book readers to remotes, to playing a playstaion

    well as we all see (and some rumours going about psp2 will be made soon, DARN! ) that the psp is going to lose its heat, and then become a very slow scene, maybe some homebrew releases here and there

    i think the psp homebrew scene had huge bangs here and there but for it to be (What i think it is)the king of homebrew on the go, i would (not forcing none to, but just trying to make the psp worthwhile )

    Like to see an awsome n64 emulator, now i am not a coder myself or not nearly as one, also considering our psx emu we use today was made by the pros at sony that such an emulator was ever released to run such a system, i mean if i had the n64 in the bulk i could say, (well can i say, screw the gp32X that thing is weird, it's not really heard of by many people cuz its only found on the internet)the psp is the craziest emulator machine on the go, i mean it being able to play al 4th gen consoles and below is just KERRRRRRRRRRAZY!

    Also maybe a little more work should be put in the snes emulator, i mean dont we all love that system?
    i mean i cant play my favorite game kirby superstar because of that bug...

    Im not forcing anything, nor am i displeased with all the hard work people do for this system which is so awsome because of therye programs, nor that i am "whining" for these emulators, all i am doing is showing my opinion its not a thing to get angry at our have a fuss about, as my words do not count as anything in anyway to you

    its awsome that this system got such a good scene if it didnt, well i would be using it as one hella expensive mp3 player

    What do YOU think?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend gunntims0103's Avatar
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    I really don't like when users keep saying "Well the psp scene is dieing and its about to be dead and so fourth". As i see it time and time again we all say that and then boom a new program or hack or release is out and its the best thing to ever happen to the scene since like forever.

    I say the psp scene will end when it ends, us just saying that it will is just stating the ovious. All scenes end.

    The psp scene is no where near dead and its gonna be alive untill the fat lady comes with a shot gun, runs up a steap hill and shoots it down while moving at light speed.

    So there you go!

    on another note: a n64 emu would be great but im now starting to dout that it will ever actually happen since sttrrnmm left the scene and alot of users are very unappriciative....

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunntims0103 View Post
    I really don't like when users keep saying "Well the psp scene is dieing and its about to be dead and so fourth". As i see it time and time again we all say that and then boom a new program or hack or release is out and its the best thing to ever happen to the scene since like forever.

    I say the psp scene will end when it ends, us just saying that it will is just stating the ovious. All scenes end.

    The psp scene is no where near dead and its gonna be alive untill the fat lady comes with a shot gun, runs up a steap hill and shoots it down while moving at light speed.

    So there you go!

    on another note: a n64 emu would be great but im now starting to dout that it will ever actually happen since sttrrnmm left the scene and alot of users are very unappriciative....
    true, oh yeah comparison was waaaaay off lol, and what can the psp pull off as a system other than its emulators hmm? your opinion i said, thats the reason for this thread in other words

    there has to be a place where the psp is perfect (errrrr in emulators and those cool nifty things) and cannot go further

  4. #4
    PSP User juggaleaux's Avatar
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    just because a psp can run playstation at fullspeed doesn't mean it can so easily run an N64 at full speed. The N64 was a pretty powerful console for its time, with some games having graphics damn near PS2 quality, if not better.

    I'm impressed that N64 emulation on PSP is gotten as good as it's gotten.

    As for SNES, the source is out there, fix it yourself. :P

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie belialone's Avatar
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    n64 emu fullspeed would be great
    but we have to wait for that to happen
    psp scene is not like a regular developer you cant expect that every month or so a new killerapp is going to be released

    let the haxors do their magic

  6. #6
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    "Hey guys.

    I bought a used PSP almost 3 weeks ago which turned out to have a broken wireless LAN switch on it. But it wasn't a big deal since I was planning on modding it to run homebrew apps and such.

    Now that the novelty of the PSP has worn off I can honestly say I'm glad I didn't pay full price for one...or for the games. I can't put my finger on it but something doesn't seem right about the games. They feel stale. I think part of the issue is the massive amount of ports. I originally wanted to play Mega Man Maverick Hunter X and Mega Man Powered Up. But now I don't want to touch those games anymore.

    The only game I find interesting is Lumines, Metal Gear felt weird playing it on the PSP and Katamari was ok but the controls were a pain. I didn't get what people meant about the PSP having too many ports until just now, it has WAY too many ports of game I've already played or half-assed sequels to existing games.

    To the PSP's credit, the Playstation 1 emulator is great (it's the hacked official Sony one) and I tend to play more PS1 games than I do PSP games.

    "So why are you posting this to the DS board?" You may be asking.

    Well I'm trying to figure out what makes the DS games better. I have a DS fat and a 9 games including mario kart, brain training, and Animal crossing. And I feel like I keep getting drawn back to my DS. I really like Animal Crossing WW (probably my favorite game of all right now) and Mario Kart never gets old. I mean aside from the let down from staring at the PSP's big pretty screen, the DS is just more fun.

    The only saving grace for my PSP right now is being used as an MP3 player/ video player, and the homebrew I have running on it with SNES, Genesis, and PS1 games. I feel sorry for people who paid $200+ dollars for one (and those expensive games) as the system's software, in my opinion, doesn't have that magic that the DS has which makes you feel glad that you bought the system in the first place.

    Anyone have any opinions, comments or insight as to why the DS games may be more "fun"? Feel free to post your opinions, I'd like to know myself."

    "From what I understand, the only thing you can really do on the DS is pirate games, which I won't do since I'd rather reward good companies who treat their customers right (rare and admirable). So I guess the DS modding scene isn't for me."

    "You know, I felt the same way. I recently bought a PSP...but I don't really want to hack it, and such, since I prefer PSX games on my TV and not on a small screen... In the end...I ended up using my PSP to play movies and music [even though it doens't do that as well as an iPod], and I just thought the DS has a lot of awesome games because I think they have a variety of different games that almost everyone can enjoy [if they give it the chance]. I mean, I have my DS for over a year, and I ended up playing it more than console games."

    "i dont think its that they are bad ported games its just they feel and play differently on the psp

    ok anyway

    honestly i dont respect people who resort to illegal things like homebrew drugs and or mod chips

    ok anyway

    yeah its that the psp ones are ports not portable games

    sure many can be stopped really quickly but you cant get much out of the game that way

    anyway not a big problem for me as i have two 2 hour trips a week and id buy the psp just for my favourite series

    which it turned out is what a did as i cant find any other good games

    the psp is okay but is not a portable like the ds."

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by juggaleaux View Post
    just because a psp can run playstation at fullspeed doesn't mean it can so easily run an N64 at full speed. The N64 was a pretty powerful console for its time, with some games having graphics damn near PS2 quality, if not better.

    I'm impressed that N64 emulation on PSP is gotten as good as it's gotten.

    As for SNES, the source is out there, fix it yourself. :P
    why dont u fix it jackass.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro scottyboynow's Avatar
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    Hey, don't flame, Sources are for fixing, If you read info more than you flame you should know that.
    PS. I wish I could have a even better GBA Emulator it is already brilliant but i have to use frameskip: 1 and 333mhz for fullspeed.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Regular weirdelf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gunntims0103 View Post
    I really don't like when users keep saying "Well the psp scene is dieing and its about to be dead and so fourth". As i see it time and time again we all say that and then boom a new program or hack or release is out and its the best thing to ever happen to the scene since like forever.

    I say the psp scene will end when it ends, us just saying that it will is just stating the ovious. All scenes end.

    The psp scene is no where near dead and its gonna be alive untill the fat lady comes with a shot gun, runs up a steap hill and shoots it down while moving at light speed.

    So there you go!

    on another note: a n64 emu would be great but im now starting to dout that it will ever actually happen since sttrrnmm left the scene and alot of users are very unappriciative....
    I completely agree. A few weeks ago wally posted something like this and then in the next week we had loads of major breakthroughs in the scene

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    well the boom this week will be 3.03 oe-a

    yes n64 would rule, but i thank strumnnmn for whats hes managed to accomplish

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