With 2006 out of the way, the next big-hitter on Microsoft's large list of Xbox 360 deployment is the futuristic GTA-esque Crackdown - and according to an advert in US mag Gamepro it's going to be an essential purchase if you want in on the upcoming Halo 3 multiplayer beta.

According to the ad, for a limited time Crackdown will come bundled with a highly sought after invite to the Halo 3 multiplayer beta - places of which are currently only available via fansite competitions in Europe.

Presumably, this move is to help boost sales of the sci-fi romp, in the same way Konami bolstered shooter Zone of the Enders with a demo of Metal Gear Solid 2. But we're just hoping the news isn't a confirmation of Crackdown's rubbishness (made-up word of the day, that one).

Microsoft is yet to reply our enquiring phone calls, but we'll let you know when we get official confirmation of the Crackdown/Halo 3 promotion or news of it heading to Europe.

As for Crackdown, you can get your hands on that on Febuary 23.

via cvg