The last Friday of 2006 saw Nintendo release a new selection of games on its Virtual Console and, at long last, there are some decent Super NES games in there.

Super Castlevania IV is the obvious highlight of the selection, giving veteran fans of the series an excuse to look back in admiration at one of the best episodes so far, and anyone new to the series a fantastic adventure to get on with until Portrait of Ruin arrives on DS.

Sim City is the other Super NES treat, which accompanies the Turbografix version of R-Type, and the not-so-appealing Baseball and Ice Hockey originally on NES. Unfortunately there's still no sign of Super Probotector, which was promised on a previously released schedule from Nintendo.

Toe Jam & Earl and Space Harrier II (Megadrive), Donkey Kong Jr., Tennis and Soccer (NES), and Military Madness (Turbografix) also made it to the Christmas party on December 22.

US gamers got Toe Jam and Earl, R-Type, Super Castlevania IV, and Street Fighter II (SNES) on Christmas day, with Urban Champion and Baseball making for a disappointing start to 2007 yesterday.

Less second-rate NES games, more quality Super NES games please Nintendo.

via cvg