Epic's shooter Gears of War is king of the Live heap of Xbox 360 games played in 2006, according to stats based on Xbox Live connectivity - and Xbox Live bloke Major Nelson's blog where last year's 20 most played 360 titles have been listed.

Data for the rankings list has been collected between January 1, 2006 and December 29, 2006, meaning GoW's ascension to the throne has been fast - and obviously, quite furious. Call of Duty 2, Ghost Recon 3, Project Gotham Racing 3 and Oblivion are games that feature high up the top 20 list, which you can see in full below:

Gears of War

Hexic HD

Call of Duty 2

Ghost Recon 3



Perfect Dark Zero

Call Of Duty 3


Fight Night Round 3

Saints Row

Geometry Wars Evolved

Dead or Alive 4

Texas Hold 'em

Madden NFL 07

Dead Rising

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas

BFMC [Battlefield: Modern Combat, presumably - Ed]

Splinter Cell Double Agent

via cvg